14-16 SEP 2017 | ESPAnet: International Conference “New Horizons of European Social Policy: Risks, Opportunities and Challenges”

Lisbon, 14-16th September 2017


In 2017 the ESPAnet Conference returns to a country in southern Europe. ISCSP – Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas/Universidade de Lisboa will host this conference from September 14 to 16, 2017. It will be a challenging opportunity to discuss the new horizons of European social policy in the aftermath of the neoliberal austerity period and the Brexit. European countries have transformed. Fiscal consolidation, the 2008 financial collapse, demographic changes, the refugee crisis, social movements, unemployment, and new political forces are all a threat to social dialogue, solidarity and the European project.

Social policy has played a key role in addressing emerging social risks, implementing social cohesion and re-building Europe. The development of the European social model has been an inspiration to many other countries of the world. It is a key instrument for responding to (new) social risks and fostering sustainable development in many countries and regions of the world with different cultures, societies, history and economies. The European social policy has regained a pivotal role and seeks to expand horizons and re-build Europe.


Registration deadline:

 – 15th of August of 2017

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