27th march 2017
The Municipal Council of Lisbon and the High Commission for Migration, under the Municipal Plan for the Integration of Immigrants in Lisbon (2015-2017), promote the conference “Recognition of Qualifications and Competencies of Immigrants and Refugees”. This conference, chaired by Professor João Peixoto, our member and coordinator, intends to be a forum for debating about the mechanisms for recognition of qualifications and competences of foreigners in our country, particularly immigrants and refugees, as well as the needs of Portuguese human resources companies qualified staff.
The conference will take place at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Aud.3), on March 27th, 2017, from 9:30 am to 5:30 p.m.
Free entrance.
9:30 – Opening session
Moderator: João Peixoto, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa
Isabel Mota, Administrator Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
João Afonso, Councilman of the Municipal Council of Lisbon
Key notes:
The Labour Market Integration of Immigrants in Germany: The Network IQ
Johnny Van Hove, Agency for the Development of Professional Education
Recognizing the skills of immigrants and refugees: a European perspective
Liam Patuzzi, Migration Policy Institute – Europe
11:00 – Coffee-break
11:30 – Session 2: Companies, skilled human resources and immigration
Moderator: Catarina Reis Oliveira, Migrations Observatory
António Correia de Campos, President of the Social and Economic Council
Nuno Biscaya, Deputy Director, Confederation of Portuguese Industry
Carlos Trindade, General Confederation of Portuguese Workers -IN
Catarina Tavares, General Workers’ Union
13:00 – Lunch
14:30 – Session 3: Processes for recognition of qualifications
Moderator: José Carlos Marques, CICS.NOVA – Interdisciplinary Center of Social Sciences (pole IPLeiria)
Maria Fernanda Rollo, Secretary of State for Higher Education
Gonçalo Xufre Silva, Director of ANQEP
Carlos Mineiro Aires, Chairman of the Order of Engineers
Helena Barroco, Global Platform for Syrian Students
16:00 – Coffee-break
16:30 – Session 4: Qualified migrants and refugees in Portugal
Moderador: Marta Bronzin, Head of Mission, International Organization for Migration – Lisbon
Marina Pedroso, Office for the Support of Refugees of the High Commissioner for Migration
João Lima, Jesuit Refugee Service – Portugal
Nilce Costa, Representative of the Brazilian Community at the Migration Council
Representative of the Refugee Association in Portugal
Kholoud Kalthoum, Student on the Global Platform for Syrian Students
More information here.