ULisboa will award 30 PhD fellowships under a collaboration agreement between FCT and ULisboa as part of European University Unite!
Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) is part of the Unite! – University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering, together with Technishe Universität Darmstadt (Germany), Aalto University (Finland), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Grenoble INP – UGA (France), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain), Graz University of Technology (Austria) and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland). ULisboa and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) signed a collaboration agreement to award PhD fellowships under Unite! priority areas.
ULisboa will award a total of 30 fellowships, 15 in 2023 and 15 in 2024, in three priority areas, although not excluding others areas:
- Energy conversion and storage (photovoltaics, wind, batteries, hydrogen) (8-10 fellowships)
- Artificial intelligence (8-10 fellowships)
- Industry 4.0 (8-10 fellowships)
- Submission of PhD project topics
A prospective advisor from any ULisboa School must prepare a proposal (3 slides, no animation) in collaboration with an advisor from a Unite! partner, potentially also involving industrial partners.Please, fill in the form
Please, send proposals to Energy (Fátima Montemor, Carlos Silva); Artificial Intelligence (Ana Paiva); or Industry 4.0 (Paulo Peças)
Further info: ULisboa KLO
- PhD project topics chosen from submitted proposals
PhD project topics will be chosen from submitted proposals. Priority will be given to reciprocal proposals, i.e., proposals where the Unite! partner agrees to finance another fellowship (via projects or some other instrument).
- Specific official calls for PhD fellowship support
Students can apply for a fellowship in selected projects. Each Call for PhD fellowships will be open according to ULisboa and FCT regulations and will specify the associated project topic and the evaluation jury.
Applications sent to: bolsas.ciencia@reitoria.ulisboa.pt
- Selection of PhD candidates
The PhD candidate will be selected by the evaluation jury in each Call.
- Registration and start the academic year
Selected PhD candidates will register in a PhD program offered within ULisboa Schools and start the academic year in September.
Submission of project topics: until 17 March 2023
Selection of project topics: until 27 April 2023
Official Call for PhD fellowship applicants: 8 May 2023
Candidate assessment and selection: June 2023
PhD Enrolment and contract signature: July 2023
Kick-off: September 2023