Porto, 4-7 April 2017
VII Conference Research and Intervention in Human Resources 2017 – Managing people: a changing role to be held at ISCAP – P. Porto, in Porto, in the north of Portugal, between the 6-7 April, 2017.
This conference gives voice simultaneously to the scientific academy and to the organizational/ business context, giving space for, national and international, professionals, researchers and students to present good professional practices, projects and original investigations.
Communications will be welcome on the following topics:
Development of the HR profession (HR roles; Function settings; HR professional competencies; HR Careers)
New paradigms of work (Work configurations and organization; HR; HR profiles; Labour relations; Work law)
Technology and HR (Information Systems; Social Networks; Digital HR; Business Intelligence; Knowledge management)
Job Market (Competencies; Talent retention; Employability; Job Policies)
Communication (HR Marketing; Employer Branding; Internal Communication; Communication Systems)
Organizational Behaviour (Leadership; Motivation, Work Satisfaction; Engagement; Emotional Intelligence; Climate and organizational culture; Conflict; Negotiation; High-performance teams)
HR Development (raining; Competencies; Coaching and Mentoring; Career Management; Qualification Policies)
Organizational development and HR (Consulting, Changing Management; Innovation; Projects; Knowledge Management)
Human Resources Management (HR Strategies; Practices and Policies; Tools)
Sustainable HR Management (Social Responsibility; Equal Opportunities; Equal Gender; Diversity; Professional Ethics; Volunteering)
International HR Management (Comparative studies and cultural dimensions; International management processes; Intercultural management, expatriation and international careers)
Quality Working Life (Hygiene and Safety; Health and wellness; Ergonomics and working conditions; Work life balance; Stress; Burnout)
HR in specific contexts (SME; Social Economy; Public administration; Technology companies)
The authors will have several publications opportunities for their communications.
The deadline for presenting abstracts between 500 and 700 words is February 15, according to publications rules.
For any queries you may visit the conference site or use the email conferencia-iirh@iscap.ipp.pt
Keynote Speakers
– Prof. Dr. Josep María Blanch (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
People Management: from zero sum game in which everyone wins or everyone loses
– Prof. Dr. Ruben Llop (Institute for Transformational Leadership – Blue Onion)
Transformational leadership: The role of current managers to survive within in the environment VUCA
Organization Committee VII RIHR