Portuguese Economic Journal: Special Issue on Economic Policy in Portugal: Competition, Innovation, and Competitiveness and Internationalisation


Call for the Special Issue on Economic Policy in Portugal: Competition, Innovation, and Competitiveness and Internationalisation

Following the Great Recession and its aftershocks, it is clear that long-run structural deficiencies would make life uncomfortable for less-productive countries participating in international markets. Short-run macroeconomic imbalances may be corrected with temporary, but painful adjustment measures, but they will be recurrent – as a chronic disease – if growth convergence is not resumed. This is not an easy task in a globalised world where a small open economy such as Portugal aims to implement economic policies to enhance productivity and improve the competitiveness of its firms, so that economic growth is accelerated and population’s welfare is raised. This is why long-run microeconomic growth factors are so important. This is true for a small open economy like Portugal, but there are lessons that can be learned and adapted to any other geography. This special issue of PEJ aims at gathering innovative empirical, theoretical, and especially policy-oriented research on the Portuguese economy in three fields: (i) competition, (ii) innovation, and (iii) competitiveness and internationalisation.

Submission Guidelines

Authors should take into account that their contribution has to be relevant and centred on the Portuguese economy, although it may also cover other countries. At least one of the above-mentioned fields has to be addressed in the article, even if explored together with other fields. Problem diagnosis and policy implications and/or recommendations are very welcome. Submissions will be assessed under the usual reviewing process at PEJ. Please refer to the Springer site of the journal for specific instructions and online submission – choose “special issue” for the type of article.

Deadline for submissions

Submissions to this special issue are welcome from 16 to 30 September 2017. The special issue will be published in the second half of 2018.

Special issue editors

  • Alves, Ricardo P. (GEE and IADE of U. Europeia)
  • Costa, Luís F. (ISEG of ULisboa)
  • Hoernig, Steffen (NOVA SBE)

Prizes and dissemination

Papers accepted for publication will be awarded a Eur. 3,000 prize* sponsored by Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos (GEE) of the Portuguese Ministry of Economy. The special issue shall consist of three to five papers. In case only one or two papers are accepted, they will be published in a regular issue and the corresponding prizes will be awarded nonetheless. Furthermore, preliminary versions of accepted papers will be disseminated as working papers of GEE on its website. A special session will be organised for these papers at the 12th Annual Meeting of PEJ to be held in Lisbon in July 2018.

GEE parallel calls

GEE is also organising three parallel calls for paper, one for each field included here, where manuscripts will be prized and disseminated on its website. Authors submitting to the special issue of PEJ are welcome to submit also for GEE’s calls. However, there will be only one prize (special issue or GEE paper) for each manuscript. For further details, please refer to the GEE website.

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