PhD Research Studentship (UIDP/04521/2020 – PDHES)

CSG – Research in Social Sciences and Management (ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa) is awarding one PhD Research Studentship in Economic and Social History, under the “Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da FCT” (RBI) and the “Estatuto do Bolseiro de Investigação” (EBI).

This Studentship will be funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and covered by the “Protocolo de Colaboração para Financiamento do Plano Plurianual de Bolsas de Investigação para Estudantes de Doutoramento”, celebrated between FCT and CSG – Research in Social Sciences and Management (ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa), with the reference n.º 4521.

Applications must be submitted by email to, between June 1st and June 30th 2022 (17h, Lisbon local time). 


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