Open Call • Research MSc or PhD student Scholarship for XLAB – Behavioural Research Lab – CSG – Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Gestão/ISEG

Open Call • Research MSc or PhD student Scholarship for XLAB – Behavioural Research Lab

A call is now open for the attribution of a Research Scholarship for MSc or PhD student within the scope of XLAB – Behavioural Research Lab.
The Scholarship will be funded through FCT/MCTES with national funds (PIDDAC), under the CSG – Research in Social Sciences and Management (UIDP/04521/2020).
Applications must be submitted by email to, with the reference “Application – XLAB/04521/2023”, between March 27th and April 14th 2023 (17h, Lisbon local time).

Admission requirements and eligibility conditions:
Are eligible for the grant:
a) National citizens or citizens of other Member States of the European Union;
b) Citizens of third States;
c) Stateless persons;
d) Beneficiaries of the political refugee status.

The Research Scholarship is aimed to candidates enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral degree.

Admission requirements are:
a) Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, preferably in the area of social sciences or computer sciences;
b) Demonstrate a significant interest in the area of Behavioral Sciences;
c) Have previous experience in project management;
d) Have good communication skills;
e) Have a high command of the English language, spoken and written.

It is a preferred requirement to have programming skills in languages such as zTree, R, Python.

Work plan and supervision:
The work plan is part of the XLAB activities, coordinated at ISEG by Professor Sandra Maximiano, and includes the following tasks:
a) Day-to-day management of the XLAB infrastructure, including recruitment of participants (online and in presence), monitoring experiences and equipment maintenance;
b) Collection and archiving of data in accordance to best practices and open access policies;
c) Updating the XLAB website and social networks, and other communication activities associated with XLAB.

The duration of the scholarship is 6 (six) months, possibly renewable up to the limit provided for in the applicable legislation, starting in May 2023.
The performance of functions as a scholarship holder is carried out on an exclusive dedication basis, under the terms of Article 5 of the Research Fellowship Statute.

All informatons over this call are available at the Euraxess page and on the scholarship’s annoucement document, here.


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