Research Unit:
Short biography:
Marta Banasiak has a degree in Czech philology (2009) and a master's degree in Portuguese philology (2013) with a thesis on contemporary Mozambican prose from the Charles University in Prague, Czech Rep. She holds a PhD in Romance Studies with a specialty in African Studies (2019) from the University of Lisbon funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). She is currently a postdoctoral researcher (with FAPESP scholarship) at the Institute for Language Studies at Unicamp, in Campinas, Brazil. She publishes and researches in the areas of African Lusophone, particularly Mozambican, cinema in Portuguese-speaking countries and comparative African literature. Currently, in addition to the areas mentioned, his research interests also focus on theories of world (-) literature, (semi) peripheral literatures and Indian Ocean Studies.
Investigadores PhD
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