Research Unit:
Short biography:
José Amilton Joaquim, graduated in Portuguese Teaching from Eduardo Mondlane University - Mozambique, Master in Educational Science, Curriculum Development specialty from the University of Minho - Portugal, PhD student in Economic and Organizational Sociology from the Institute of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon -Portugal. Lecturer at Eduardo Mondlane University - UEM- Chibuto Superior School of Business and Entrepreneurship - ESNEC. He was a professor at the Gaza Polytechnic Institute from 2008 to 2014, where he also served as Head of the Academic Register, Chief of Staff of the Director General and Director of the Agrarian Economics course. He was also Head of the Department of Applied Sciences at UEM - ESNEC. He was a mentor and coordinator of the Women's Empowerment and Socioeconomic Development Project with the acronym in Italian language PESED at ESNEC in 2015-2016. A project funded by Italian Cooperation in coordination with the Gender Affairs Coordination Center - CECAGE. He is a member of the Research Center in Economic and Organizational Sociology (SOCIUS / ISEG / ULisboa). Presented papers at various scientific conferences in Mozambique, Portugal and Cape Verde on topics such as Bilingual Education, Women's Socioeconomic Development and Higher Education Financing. He is currently involved in the study on Financing Higher Education in Mozambique: Student / Family Reimbursement in Gaza Province.
Outros Investigadores
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