Research Unit:
Short biography:
Inês is an anthropologist and a Post-Doc researcher at CSG/SOCIUS-ISEG,U.Lisboa. She has a BA and a MA in Anthropology from the Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE/IUL) and a PhD in Medical Anthropology from the Amsterdam Institute of Social Sciences Research of the University of Amsterdam (AISSR/UvA). Her research interests and areas include medical anthropology, African studies, health and development, sexual and reproductive health, science and technology studies, economic sociology and social studies of finance. She is currently doing research in economic and organizational sociology and technology, more specifically on social and cultural aspects related to uses of the blockchain technology and peer-to-peer social organization. Her latest publications include the article Trust, Reputation and Ambiguous Freedoms: financial institutions and subversive libertarians navigating blockchain, markets, and regulation (2019), published on the Journal of Cultural Economy, and the article Therapeutic Navigations and Social Networking: Mozambican women’s quests for fertility (2018), published on the journal Medical Anthropology: cross-cultural studies on health and illness.
Investigadores PhD
Investigation group: