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Short biography:
PhD in Sociology, specialization in “Colonialisms and Global Citizenship” (2013) by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra with the thesis «Democratization and Development Aid in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Russian Federation: A Critical Perspective», with approved with Distinction. Master’s degree in Social Psychology (2004) from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, with the dissertation «Black sheep effect, individuation memory and homogeneity perception in dominant groups and dominated groups», with Very Good. Degree in Psychology, specialization in Health Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto (1996).
I am currently the PI of the project “Children and their right to the city: Tackling urban inequity through the participatory design of child friendly cities” - CRiCity(Ref. IP PTDC/SOC-SOC/30415/2017) funded by FCT and being developed at SOCIUS.
During the year of 2017 I was a postdoctoral fellow at the SOCIUS/CSG, Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG), within the framework of Project UID/SOC /04521/2013, financed through FCT/MEC with national funds (PIDDAC). My postdoc project concerned corporate transparency and had the following title: “Co-Reflecting on the Global Compact Portugal Network Platforms and Building Conceptual Models of Corporate Transparency in the Natural Resources Sector”. Previously, I worked as a research fellow in projects funded by FCT, at CECS, University of Minho, CIS-IUL and CIPSI, University of Minho, Portugal, respectively in the areas of communication sciences, social and environmental psychology, and psychology of justice/criminology.
Between 2004 and 2006, I have worked in higher education as a master assistant at the Fernando Pessoa University, where I taught, the disciplines of General Psychology and Introduction to Psychology, Community Psychology and Methods and Techniques of Data Analysis in Psychology. I am a certified psychologist by the Portuguese Order of Psychologists and I have worked as a psychologist mainly in schools and health contexts. I still work occasionally as a clinical psychologist, as well as a consultant in methdology and social intervention (free-lancer).
I have published peer-reviewed articles and chapters in international books on a variety of topics, namely: development aid, NGOs and human rights; terrorism; HIV/AIDS counseling; lusophony; education; citizen participation in environmental issues and contestation of environmental laws, social movements in the media and political speeches, and organizational transparency, among others.
My current research interests are focused on issues of environmental and corporate governance associated with transparency and multi-stakeholder dialogue; the right to the city and child-friendly cities and also security governance and intelligence in the European Union.
Investigadores PhD
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