International Summer Course “Community-based Socio-environmental Planning: Natural Resources and Sustainable Tourism” – Postponed

The International Summer Course “Community-based Socio-environmental Planning: Natural Resources and Sustainable Tourism” is coordinated by Ana Rita Sampaio (SOCIUS/CSG, ISEG) and will take place at ISEG.

The new date will be announced shortly.


  1. Understand the concept of integrated territorial development based on the principles of sustainable development;
  2. Discuss and critically analyze key concepts related to socio-environmental and participatory planning and management;
  3. Assess  vulnerability and resilience;-    Assess and monitor the sustainability of territories;
  4. Develop projects with environmental, social and economic value;
  5. Design communication and participatory programmes for local sustainable development;
  6. Apply methods of socio-environmental management.


The curriculum of this course is based on research and practical cases, aiming to develop sound skills, critical and innovative thinking and knowledge on socio-environmental planning and management. With regard to learning methodologies, there will be thematic videos, group work exercises, as well as the analysis of case studies which promote an informal, though critical, discussion among the participants. The course also offers a great opportunity for sharing experiences and networking among the participants.

Case Study Analysis

The “Tecendo as Águas” project, led by the Supereco Institute, with 25 years of work in Education for Environmental Sustainability in Brazil, will be the main case study for discussion, reflection and learning the concepts explored in the course. This project has a large network of cooperation with good conservation practices and shared and participatory management of watersheds on the north coast of the State of São Paulo, in the Atlantic Forest, whose biome is the 5th of the most priority areas of conservation of the Planet.  It is also sponsored by Petrobras through the Petrobras Socio-environmental Programme, and has received the LIF 2015 Award – Climate and Society, from the France-Brazil Chamber of Commerce in its first phase. The project is due in 2019 and has several thematic areas, namely Education, Forestry Conservation and Eco-efficiency in Rural Areas, Sanitation and Health, Characterization of Hydrographic Basins, Sustainable Tourism and Communication. The project has involved more than four thousand participants in several actions of social engagement and education, capacity building courses of community leaders for fishing, agriculture, education, crafts, tourism, social eco-entrepreneurship, environment and culture. As a result of the work carried out, there was the training and engagement of community leaders, residents and representatives of the government, non-governmental organizations and public and private institutions in the shared management of watersheds in the Atlantic Forest in Brazil.


The course has 30 hours with the following program:

Module 1: Sustainability Assessment (6 hours)

  • Sustainable development and SDGs;
  • Social and environmental impacts;
  • Resilience and Vulnerabilities;
  • Sustainability Indicators;
  • Discussion of case studies;
  • Workshop: Design a plan for evaluating local sustainability

Module 2: Public Participation and Community Empowerment for Sustainable Tourism (6 hours)

  • Techniques of public participation;
  • Community engagement and strategic partnerships;
  • Community-based sustainable tourism projects;
  • Discussion of case studies;
  • Workshop: Design a plan for public participation and strategic partnerships in sustainability-related projects.

 Module 3: Environmental + Sustainability Education Programs (6 hours)

  • Pitfalls in the implementation of educational programs for sustainability;
  • Discussion of good practices in environmental education program design;
  • Discussion of case studies;
  • Workshop: Designing an environmental education program

Module 4: Sustainability Communication and Reporting (6 hours)

  • Tools of environmental communication;
  • Education + Communication for sustainability;
  • Sustainability Reporting;
  • Discussion of case studies;
  • Workshop: Design a communication plan for sustainability.

Module 5: Implementation and Monitoring Strategies (6 hours)

  1. Construction of performance matrices;
  2. Pitfalls for implementation and monitoring of sustainability projects and plans;
  3. Implementation of good practices;
  4. Discussion of case studies;
  5. Workshop: Design an implementation and monitoring plan.


Ana Rita Sampaio (PhD)

Environmental Engineer
Sustainable Tourism and Environmental Management Specialist for more than 15 years. Researcher at SOCIUS / CSG / ISEGDirector at Change2Eco.
LinkedIn profile


Andrée de Ridder Vieira

Biologist, specialist in environmental management; educator and consultant in strategies of education, communication, entrepreneurship and sustainability for 30 years. President of the Supereco Institute
LinkedIn profile

Participation Fee

Early Bird for the full course (30 hours): 15% discount until 5th July

Registration with 20% discount for the full course (30 hours): students and unemployed until registration closes.

Registration fee per module (6 hours): 160 euros

Registration fee for the full course (30 hours): 800 euros


  • Discounts are not cumulative.
  • Registration closes on the 17th July 2019.
  • There are 20 places available for each module and these will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Applications will be closed when the modules are full. Modules might be cancelled if they don’t have a minimum of 6 participants. If that’s the case and you have paid your registration then you will be offered a refund.


All participants that complete the module/ course will receive a participation certificate by SOCIUS/CSG/ ISEG- Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon.

Further information

Mónica Fraga:

Phone:(+351) 213925914/0

Project partners:

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