15-20 JUL 2019 | Portuguese edition of the 3rd Luso-Brazilian School of Social Network Analysis – Open registration

Registration open for the Portuguese edition of the 3rd Luso-Brazilian School of Social Network Analysis, with the organization of SOCIUS/CSG, Research Center in Economic and Organization Sociology of ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics & Management at Universidade de Lisboa, in partnership with FIOCRUZ – Fundação Osvaldo Cruz, Faculdade de Letras of Universidade de Coimbra and ISPA – Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida.

The Early Bird registration period runs until April 30, 2019, and regular registration until July 5th, 2019.

This school will take place at ISEG, from July 15-20, 2019.

Full course program in the following brochure.

Further information

Please contact escolalusobrars@socius.iseg.ulisboa.pt

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