Lopes , M. M. S. C. . (2023). Breakthroughs in the transition from secondary education to higher education: does...
Gender-Balanced Seats, Equal Power and Greater Gender Equality? Zooming into the Boardroom of Companies Bound by the Portuguese Gender Quota Law • Sara Falcão Casaca, Susana Ramalho Marques – SOCIUS/ CSG, Maria João Guedes – ADVANCE/ CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0Gender-Balanced Seats, Equal Power and Greater Gender Equality? Zooming into the Boardroom of Companies Bound by the Portuguese Gender...
Is Online Teaching Challenging Faculty Well-Being? • Pilar Mosquera, Winnie Ng Picoto – ADVANCE/ CSG, e Paula C. Albuquerque – SOCIUS/ CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0Is Online Teaching Challenging Faculty Well-Being? – Mosquera, Pilar (ADVANCE/CSG ISEG-ULisboa); Albuquerque, Paula C. (SOCIUS/CSG ISEG-ULisboa); Picoto, Winnie Ng...
Decoupling Between the Energy and Semiconductor Sectors During the Pandemic: New Evidence from Wavelet Analysis • Mariya Gubareva – SOCIUS/ CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0Decoupling Between the Energy and Semiconductor Sectors During the Pandemic: New Evidence from Wavelet Analysis – Gubareva, Mariya (SOCIUS/...
The Impact of Technology and Change Management on Value Proposition Innovation: An Iranian Study • Carlos Costa – ADVANCE/ CSG
CSG, , artigos, Doutoramentos, Publicações Recentes, 0“The Impact of Technology and Change Management on Value Proposition Innovation: An Iranian Study” é o último artigo do Professor Carlos...
Social media engagement and real‐time marketing: Using net‐effects and set‐theoretic approaches to understand audience and content‐related effects • Helena Gonçalves e Susana Santos – ADVANCE/ CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0Social media engagement and real‐time marketing: Using net‐effects and set‐theoretic approaches to understand audience and content‐related effects é o...
Investigadores do ISEG/ Advance/ CSG distinguidos em São Paulo • Prémio de Melhor Artigo de Investigação na área de Finanças
CSG, , artigos, Novidades, Publicações Recentes, 0O artigo Cryptocurrencies Investment Properties against Economic Policy Uncertainty: A Wavelet Analysis before, during and post COVID-19,de Tiago Cruz...
“Consumer decision journey: Mapping with real-time longitudinal online and offline touchpoint data” • Novo artigo de Susana Fernandes dos Santos e Helena Martins Gonçalves
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0Artigo de Susana Fernandes dos Santos e Helena Martins Gonçalves
Novo artigo “Translating Smart Specialisation and entrepreneurial discovery into a process-oriented policy”, de Manuel Laranja
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0O novo artigo “Translating Smart Specialisation and entrepreneurial discovery into a process-oriented policy” (2021), de autoria de Manuel Laranja,...
Novo artigo “Impact of emergency cash assistance on gender relations in the tribal areas of Pakistan”
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0O mais recente artigo de Asif Igbal Dawar, doutorando no Programa de Estudos de Desenvolvimento (ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa)...
Novo artigo “The myths and legends of king Satoshi and the knights of blockchain”
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0Novo artigo “The myths and legends of king Satoshi and the knights of blockchain” (2021), de autoria de Sandra...
Novo capítulo de livro “The International Financial Institutions: An ajar door to the external financing of Iran”, de Enrique Martínez-Galán
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0De autoria de Enrique Martínez-Galán, o capítulo nº 6 “The International Financial Institutions: an ajar door to the external...
Novo artigo “Budgetary restrictions and ethical behaviours in a hospital context – evidence from general surgeons”
CSG, , artigos, Novidades, Publicações Recentes, 0Novo artigo “Budgetary restrictions and ethical behaviours in a hospital context – evidence from general surgeons”, de autoria da...
Novo artigo “The market, the regulator, and the government: Making a blockchain ecosystem in the Netherlands”, de autoria de Inês Faria
CSG, , artigos, Novidades, Publicações Recentes, 0Acaba de sair o artigo “The market, the regulator, and the government: Making a blockchain ecosystem in the Netherlands”,...
Novo artigo “Aliens in the space. Violence and interactions between inhabitants and outsiders in a stigmatized neighborhood in the periphery of Lisbon”
CSG, , artigos, Novidades, Publicações Recentes, 0De autoria de Niccolò Giacchetta e Eunice Castro Seixas, acaba de sair no Lo Squaderno nº 59: “Beyond urban...
Novo artigo “Modern Intimacies and Modernist Landscapes: Chinese Photographs in Late-Colonial Mozambique”, de autoria de Lorenzo Macagno
CSG, , artigos, Novidades, Publicações Recentes, 0O artigo “Modern Intimacies and Modernist Landscapes: Chinese Photographs in Late-Colonial Mozambique”, de autoria do nosso investigador Lorenzo Macagno,...
Novo artigo “Identity Ambivalence among the Eurasian Macanese: Historical Dynamics, Political Regimes and Eating Practices”, de Marisa Gaspar
CSG, , artigos, Novidades, Publicações Recentes, 0O artigo “Identity Ambivalence among the Eurasian Macanese: Historical Dynamics, Political Regimes and Eating Practices”, de autoria de Marisa...
Novo artigo “On the Nature and Determinants of Poor Households’ Resilience in Fragility Contexts”
CSG, , artigos, Novidades, Publicações Recentes, 0Acaba de ser publicado, no Journal of Human Development and Capabilities – Taylor & Francis Online (31 May 2021)...
Novo artigo “The Ambivalent Identitarian: Macanese Metamorphoses in Times of Change” de autoria de Marisa Gaspar
CSG, , artigos, Novidades, Publicações Recentes, 0De autoria de Marisa Gaspar, o novo artigo “The Ambivalent Identitarian: Macanese Metamorphoses in Times of Change” (2021), publicado...
Novo artigo “The GBB Index: A Proposal to Measure the Gender Balance on Company Boards”
CSG, , artigos, Novidades, Publicações Recentes, 0De autoria de Maria João Guedes e Sara Falcão Casaca, acaba de sair o artigo “The GBB Index: A...
II Conferência POWER • 11 Outubro, 9h, ISEG 17 Setembro, 2024
Seminários ADVANCE/ CSG • Setembro 2024 10 Setembro, 2024
Workshop: Thinking colonial and geo-political relations in digital economies • ISEG, 6 set 2024 4 Setembro, 2024
5th International Conference in Human Resource Management – 2025 • ADVANCE/CSG 4 Setembro, 2024
Bolsa de Investigação POWER/ ADVANCE 9 Abril, 2024