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Archive for category: artigos
The struggle for independence in Guinea-Bissau: contribution to understanding the contradictions of the process of state building • Carlos Sangreman • CEsA/CSG
CSG, , artigos, CEsA, Publicações Recentes, 0Do investigador Carlos Sangreman (CEsA/CSG), o artigo “The struggle for independence in Guinea-Bissau: contribution to understanding the contradictions of the process of state...
Digital Leadership: A Bibliometric Analysis • Fernanda Bethlem Tigre, Carla Curado, and Paulo Lopes Henriques • ADVANCE/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0Com autoria de Fernanda Bethlem Tigre, Carla Curado, and Paulo Lopes Henriques (ADVANCE/CSG), o artigo “Digital Leadership: A Bibliometric Analysis” foi publicado, no início de 2023, no...
The Effect of Green Human Resources Management Practices on Employees’ Affective Commitment and Work Engagement: The Moderating Role of Employees’ Biospheric Value • Jorge F. S. Gomes • ADVANCE/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0“The Effect of Green Human Resources Management Practices on Employees’ Affective Commitment and Work Engagement: The Moderating Role of...
Understanding stakeholder experiences with visual communication in environmental impact assessment・Sofia Bento・SOCIUS/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, SOCIUS, 0O artigo “Understanding stakeholder experiences with visual communication in environmental impact assessment“, da autoria da investigadora Sofia Bento (SOCIUS/CSG), encontra-se publicado...
Competitiveness and R&D subsidies: The case of the Industry 4.0 Program in Portugal • Joaquim Ramos Silva • SOCIUS/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, Researcch, Sociologia, SOCIUS, 0“Competitiveness and R&D subsidies: The case of the Industry 4.0 Program in Portugal” é o artigo da autoria de Joaquim Ramos...
África, o berço da modernidade: por uma visão pós-colonial da modernidade e do território – Odair Barros-Varela • Hip-hop em Cabo Verde: rap e representação do espaço público na cidade da Praia – Redy Wilson Lima • CEsA/CSG
CSG, , artigos, CEsA, Publicações Recentes, Researcch, 0Os investigadores do CEsA/CSG Odair Barros-Varela e Redy Wilson Lima publicaram, respectivamente, os artigos “África, o berço da modernidade: por uma visão pós-colonial da modernidade...
Drivers of the Tax Effort: Evidence from a Large Panel • Victor Barros, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento • ADVANCE/CSG
CSG, , ADVANCE, artigos, Publicações Recentes, Researcch, 0Victor Barros e Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, investigadores do ADVANCE/CSG, em conjunto com Joao Tovar Jalles (UECE/REM), são os autores de “Drivers of the Tax Effort:...
Does it pay off to offer family-friendly practices? Exploring the missing links to performance • Maria João Guedes, Maria Eduarda Soares, Pilar Mosquera, João Borregana • ADVANCE/CSG
CSG, , ADVANCE, artigos, Publicações Recentes, Researcch, 0“Does it pay off to offer family-friendly practices? Exploring the missing links to performance” é o artigo das investigadoras Maria...
Taxes and Fiscal Institutions in a Maritime Empire, 15th-16th Centuries: A Comparative View of Overseas’ Territories under the Portuguese Crown • Susana Münch Miranda • GHES/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0“Taxes and Fiscal Institutions in a Maritime Empire, 15th-16th Centuries: A Comparative View of Overseas’ Territories under the Portuguese...
Asymmetric impacts of geopolitical risk on stock markets: A comparative analysis of the E7 and G7 equities during the Russian-Ukrainian conflict • Mariya Gubareva • SOCIUS/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0“Asymmetric impacts of geopolitical risk on stock markets: A comparative analysis of the E7 and G7 equities during the...
Assessment of Changes in Environmental Factors Affecting Aquaculture Production and Fisher folk Incomes in China between 2010 and 2020 • Peiwen Wang, Isabel Mendes • SOCIUS/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0O artigo “Assessment of Changes in Environmental Factors Affecting Aquaculture Production and Fisher folk Incomes in China between 2010...
Tourism Master Plan for the Island of Santiago, Cape Verde: 2020-2030 – Parts 1 and 2 • Eduardo Moraes Sarmento • CEsA/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0“Tourism Master Plan for the Island of Santiago, Cape Verde: 2020-2030 – Part 1” e “Tourism Master Plan for the Island of...
The effects of digital nativity on nonvolitional routine and innovative usage • Patricia Martins e Winnie Ng Picoto • ADVANCE/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0“The effects of digital nativity on nonvolitional routine and innovative usage” das investigadoras Patricia Martins e Winnie Ng Picoto, do ADVANCE/CSG, em conjunto com...
Innovation in times of crisis: The relevance of digitalization and early internationalization strategies • Nuno Crespo, Cátia Fernandes Crespo e Graça Miranda Silva • ADVANCE/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0O artigo “Innovation in times of crisis: The relevance of digitalization and early internationalization strategies“, da autoria do investigador Nuno Crespo e...
Employment Insecurity and Material Deprivation in Families with Children in the Post-Great Recession Period: An Analysis for Spain and Portugal • Sara Falcão Casaca • SOCIUS/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0A investigadora Sara Falcão Casaca, do SOCIUS/CSG, foi recentemente coautora do artigo “Employment Insecurity and Material Deprivation in Families with Children in the...
Cohort Trajectories by Age and Gender for Informal Caregiving in Europe Adjusted for Sociodemographic Changes, 2004 and 2015 • Ricardo J. Rodrigues • SOCIUS/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0O investigador Ricardo J. Rodrigues, do SOCIUS/CSG, é autor do artigo “Cohort Trajectories by Age and Gender for Informal Caregiving in Europe...
Programas de Transferência Condicionada de Rendimento e a Viragem à Esquerda na América Latina • Marianna Rios Franco • CEsA/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0“Programas de Transferência Condicionada de Rendimento e a Viragem à Esquerda na América Latina” é o recente working-paper da autoria do...
Influence of green creativity on organizations: A case study from the perspectives of leaders and subordinates • Paulo Lopes Henriques, Helena Jerónimo • ADVANCE/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0“Influence of green creativity on organizations: A case study from the perspectives of leaders and subordinates“, é o artigo da...
Clarifying knowledge withholding: A systematic literature review and future research agenda • Tiago Gonçalves, Carla Curado, Mírian Oliveira • ADVANCE/CSG
CSG, , artigos, Publicações Recentes, 0Tiago Rodrigues Gonçalves, Carla Curado e Mírian Oliveira, investigador/as do ADVANCE/CSG, publicaram recentemente o artigo “Clarifying knowledge withholding: A systematic literature review and future research agenda” no Journal...
- II Conferência POWER • 11 Outubro, 9h, ISEG 17 Setembro, 2024
- Seminários ADVANCE/ CSG • Setembro 2024 10 Setembro, 2024
- Workshop: Thinking colonial and geo-political relations in digital economies • ISEG, 6 set 2024 4 Setembro, 2024
- 5th International Conference in Human Resource Management – 2025 • ADVANCE/CSG 4 Setembro, 2024
- Bolsa de Investigação POWER/ ADVANCE 9 Abril, 2024