9 FEB 2017 | Cycle of Conferences’17 RedeAGRO: “Intensificação sustentável e eficácia na utilização de recursos: Agricultura, Alimentação e Florestas” – CSG – Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Gestão/ISEG

9 FEB 2017 | Cycle of Conferences’17 RedeAGRO: “Intensificação sustentável e eficácia na utilização de recursos: Agricultura, Alimentação e Florestas”

ISA/Universidade de Lisboa, 9th February 2017


In January 2017, a new Cycle of Conferences of The Interdisciplinary Thematic Networks of Universidade de Lisboa began.

Inserted in the Conference Series “Resource Sustainability and Food Scarcity: Perspectives and Challenges”, RedeAgro organizes its second conference “Sustainable Intensification and Effective Use of Resources: Agriculture, Food and Forests”, on February 9 at 3:30 p.m. , at Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), Universidade de Lisboa.

Ricardo Braga (DCEB, ISA), Isabel Sousa (LEAF, ISA) and Paula Soares (CEF, ISA) will talk about the potentialities and challenges in the areas of Agriculture, Food and Forestry for effective and sustainable development.

Free entrance (conditioned to the academic community of ULisboa and partners), subject to registration.

Program of upcoming conferences of the RedeAgro.

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