6 MAY 2019 | Invitation to the presentation of XLAB – Behavioural Research Lab (program)

The XLAB – Behavioural Research Lab is an experimental laboratory for collecting data on economic, political and social behavior. It promotes research in the social sciences by conducting experiments, surveys and measurement tests.

XLAB is headquartered at ISEG and is part of the PASSDA consortium. At ISEG, it is linked to the two research consortia, the REM and the CSG.

The XLAB will be formally presented to the public on May 6, 2019, from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., in room 203 (Edifício Francesinhas 2, piso 2) at ISEG.

Free entry. Must confirm presence to xlabpass@gmail.com, until April 30.



2:30 p.m. | Presentation of XLAB, Joana Pais (REM-ISEG, ULisboa) & Rui Costa Lopes (ICS, ULisboa)
2:40 p.m. | A quick primer on experimental economics​ , Sandra Maximiano (REM-ISEG, ULisboa)
2:55 p.m. | ​The application of behavioural economics to public policy , António Silva (The Behavioural Insights Team)
3:30 p.m. | ​Coffee-break
4:00 p.m. |  ​What are the best quorum rules? A Laboratory Investigation​ , Luís Aguiar-Conraria (NIPE, DE, Universidade do Minho)
4:45 p.m. | (to be presented), John Hamman (Florida State University e GATE Lyon)

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