Production and Archive of Social Sciences Data
PASSDA links the national component of two existing European infrastructure and in which Portugal is integrated: the ESS-ERIC, oriented to the production of data on behavior, attitudes and social change; and CESSDA-ESFRI, oriented to the data file of international scientific research.
PASSDA will be a key infrastructure to enhance innovation in particular with regard to comparative and longitudinal studies on relevant social issues, and the internationalization of social scientists through their integration in major international networks of social sciences related to the collection, analysis and data archiving (ESS, ISSP, EVS, ESS, CESSDA).
PASSDA is an open access infrastructure: national data social studies based on rigorous research methods will become available for academic and non-academic. Similarly, data on the national reality in the international context will also be accessible to the entire academic community, researchers and students, and political and business decision makers.
The data network PASSDA – Production and Archive of Social Science Data, led by ICS, has been aproved by FCT to integrate the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures of Strategic Interest for 2014-2020 (RNIE). This platform brings together in a consortium system, the following institutions: