1-8 JUL 2017 | Vilnius Summer School – Open call

1st-8th July 2017



The upcoming summer we are launching Vilnius Summer School and would like to invite students or any other persons who might be interested in the courses Vilnius Summer School provides.

Vilnius Summer School is a weeklong academic program dedicated to facilitate dialogue and in-depth analysis in the field of energy and military security at national, regional and global level.

We invite the best experts and scientists of their field to share their knowledge and experience with students and any other persons from abroad who might be interested in energy and military security issues.

We propose two courses on military and energy security:

· Military Security course gives you a chance to get in-depth understanding about current threats the Eastern flank of Europe faces and the counter-measures it applies to deter aggressors and defend both – regional and national – security interests.

· Energy Security course provides you with an opportunity to gain knowledge about national and regional energy policy attempts to secure sustainable, competitive and affordable energy for EU energy consumers – households and businesses.

Why should anyone be interested in Vilnius Summer School? The capital of Lithuania, Vilnius, is located near the geographic center of Europe. Such geographic location often leads to situations when Lithuania becomes the spot of clashes between the West and the East, especially in terms of military and energy security interests. Namely, the two courses of Vilnius Summer School 2017 will be devoted to discuss relevant issues of military and energy security. Join us in Vilnius Summer School 1-8 July 2017 and be in the swim!

When? 1-8 July, 2017

Where? Vilnius, Lithuania

We invite you to visit our website: http://www.vilniusschool.org/ and learn more about the courses we provide.

We also encourage students to submit their applications to Vilnius Summer School 2017.

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