1st Session | 22 January
Conceptualization and Perimeter of Social Economy
- Social Economy Concept
- The Basic Law of Social Economy
- The de fi nition of Social Economy
- Entities that integrate the Social Economy
2nd Session | 23 January
The Satellite Accounts of the Social Economy in Portugal, 2010 and 2013
- Genesis of the construction of a Social Economy Satellite Account
- What is a Satellite Account?
- Universities of Entities of the Social Economy and their Classifications
3rd Session | 29 January
Characterization of Groups of Social Economy Entities
- The Cooperatives
- The Mutual Associations
- The Mercies
- The Foundations
- The IPSS
- Associations for Altruistic Purposes
- The Community and Self-managed Sub-sectors
4th Session | 30 January
The dimensions of Social Economy in the National Economy in 2010 and 2013
- The visible dimension of the Social Economy in 2010 and 2013
- The “invisible” dimension of the Social Economy in 2012: voluntary work
5th Session | 5 February
Typology of Statutes held by Entities of the Social Economy (ESS)
- Estatuto de Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social (IPSS)
- Estatuto de Utilidade Pública
- Outros Estatutos conferidos às Entidades da Economia Social
6th Session | 6 February
International Comparisons of the Social Economy
Isabel Castro: PhD in Economic and Organizational Sociology, Master in Economics and Social Policy and BA in Economics, specialized in Mathematical Economics, ISEG, University of Lisbon.
To make known the formal and practical dimension of a constitutionally foreseen sector, but little known in legal and statistical terms, which corresponds to the “cooperative and social sector”, as described in the Constitution, and which has in the scientific literature very diverse and multiple names as Social Economy, Third Sector, Third System, Alternative Economy and other designations. To present its statistical reality in 2010 and 2013 in Portugal based on information taken from Portuguese National Accounts and published by INE and CASES on the 2010 and 2013 Social Accounts Satellite.
All persons interested in learning more about one of the three sectors provided for in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic as being also the holder of means of production, a sector known as the “cooperative and social sector” or the Social Economy sector.
The training is also intended for all persons who, in any way, work and act, directly or indirectly, with and in entities that are part of this sector, in accordance with the Basic Law of the Social Economy, Law no. 30/2013, of 8 May, and which are: the cooperatives; mutual associations; the mercies; foundations; the IPSS; associations with altruistic ends; the entities of the community and self-managing subsectors.
All participants who complete the Training will be issued a Certi fi cate by SOCIUS / ISEG-ULisboa.
Duration: 12 hours
Minimum of participants: 6
Fee: 350€
*EARLY BIRD 20% (students, CSG researchers and unemployed)
Online registration
Download the brochure of the course
Inquiry to the email or phone contact 213 925 914/0