Applied Managerial Research – CSG – Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Gestão/ISEG

Applied Managerial Research


António Palma Reis (ADVANCE)


Applied Managerial Research is intended to bring about a line of research and specific intervention which is already frequent in the activity of many individual researchers. In other words, it is to be the link between university and industry, as well as with the State and the society.

This linkage is often carried out through cooperation agreements between ISEG and other entities, with a view to carry out applied studies in their organisations. Often these studies are developed in the framework of PhD and Masters programmes. In several cases, there is a continuity of themes (and also study-related problems) over the years.

Applied studies in this thematic line will lead to a close liaison between researchers and organisations, of both a business and non-business nature (e.g., the third sector), including firms, business associations, public administration bodies (national and local) and other civil entities. Its main objective will be enabling the improvement of management practices, namely processes and efficiency gains. In addition, it will provide access to data, such as samples, specialists for group study, and entities for case studies, which will enhance new research to be carried out. Such liaison will be made through agreements and protocols, framed in graduate teaching and research, besides external service provision.

During an initial phase, the thematic line will be developed from the areas of knowledge where CSG researchers are involved. Another development axis may be external requests. Particular attention will be given to sectors with greater importance to the Portuguese economy and society, which lack specific observation and intervention.

  • A first area of applied research will be tourism, hospitality and leisure management. A special focus will be given to sustainable tourism issues. One of the first projects in this area will be the creation of a Sustainable Tourism Observatory for the Lisbon Region and its inclusion in a global network of observatories. Sustainable tourism is both a social phenomenon and a rapidly growing area of knowledge. It is also an important subject for the economy of Portugal.
  • A second area of research will be agriculture, forestry and agro-tourism. Here the focus will be on the feasibility of initiatives aimed at strengthening sustainability at the local level, as well as protection against the natural disasters that have affected the country, especially forest fires.
  • A third area of research will be social policy and social inclusion, particularly taking into account the role of the third sector, where issues of management, innovation and volunteering will be highlighted.

One possible action resulting from this thematic line could be the organisation of workshops dedicated to specific sectors and problems, which would involve researchers, graduate students, and external agents interested in the subject.

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