Postdoctoral fellowships ”la Caixa” Foundation • Spain and Portugal – CSG – Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Gestão/ISEG

Postdoctoral fellowships ”la Caixa” Foundation • Spain and Portugal

The ”la Caixa” Foundation is offering 15 three-year postdoctoral fellowships to recruit experienced researchers to carry out their projects at any university or research centre of Spain or Portugal. The research must be carried out in the research areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), including Bio and Health Sciences.

1.2. The call for applications is intended for researchers who finished their doctoral degree two to seven years prior to the application deadline and also fulfil the requirements for mobility between countries.

1.3. The choice of the host institution will not be binding during the candidate selection process. Candidates should state the host institution that they would prefer to join on their fellowship application on a provisional basis. To do this, a Declaration of Interest letter with the official institutional letterhead and signed by a representative of the host institution of preference must be attached, indicating its willingness to accept the fellow.
A template is provided in the online application platform and on the programme’s website. This Declaration of Interest will not be binding on any of the parties. The fellow may change
the preferred host institution before the start of the fellowship.

1.4. The fellow should start work at the host institution between 2nd May and 31st December 2024.

The ”la Caixa” Foundation must be notified of the fellow’s start date at the host institution prior to this date and as soon as an agreement is reached.
1.5. Candidates may freely propose a research project to be carried out at the host institution of their choice.
1.6. The call for applications opens on the date it is published and closes on 5th October 2023, at 2pm Spanish peninsular time (Central European Summer Time – CEST).

Fellowship amount:
2.1. The maximum payment amount will be €305,1001, broken down as shown below: Three maximum annual payments of €97,500 which include:
a) Labour costs (salary included): a maximum of €59,000 to cover the total labour costs of the host institution hiring the fellow. This amount includes Social Security contributions and any other payments made by the employer, as well as the fellow’s annual gross salary.
In any case, the minimum annual gross salary to be offered to the fellow by the host institution must be €44,300€.

More information here.

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