Research Unit:
Short biography:
PhD in Development Studies, Master of Development and International Cooperation and graduate in Economics by ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management, Universidade de Lisboa (University of Lisbon). Doctoral thesis: "Food (in)security in Portugal: socio-economic determinants of access to adequate food". Master's thesis: "Profiles of expenditure, human needs and poverty in Portugal".
Advisor of the Programa Bairros Saudáveis (Healthy Neighborhoods Program), funded by the Government of the Portuguese Republic, in the area of project management and accountability.
She was granted a PhD Research Scholarship by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, the national funding agency for science and research in Portugal) and the Universidade de Lisboa, and she was a research fellow at GHES - Social and Economic History Research Unit, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa and a research integration fellow at SOCIUS - Centre for Research in Economic and Organizational Sociology, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa.
She collaborated in the research projects: "Adequate Income in Portugal", funded by the FCT (PTDC/CS-SOC/123093/2010, "Absolute Poverty in Portugal"); "SustInAfrica - Sustainable intensification of food production through resilient farming systems in West & North Africa", funded by the European Commission (EC) through Horizon 2020 - European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation; "European Reference Budgets Network", funded by the EC Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion; and "Trust society: the social construction of trust in Portugal", funded by the FCT (POCTI/SOC/47666/2002).
She collaborated with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), CPLP - Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, ACTUAR - Association for Cooperation and Development, the Observatório do Meio Rural (OMR, the Rural Environment Observatory), Mozambique and the Universidade Aberta (Open University).
Research fields:
- Development and international cooperation;
- Food and nutrition security;
- Family farming;
- Sustainable food systems;
- Economics and public policies;
- Household income, expenditure and consumption;
- Poverty;
- Inequality.
E-mail: sbrissos@iseg.ulisboa.pt
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