Research Unit:
Short biography:
PhD in Social Sciences - specialization in Anthropology from the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP) - UTL. The doctoral thesis focused on issues of Gender and Informal Economy in the City of Maputo. Master in Intercultural Relations - Open University. The master's dissertation addressed the issue of the Identity Representations of Women of the Islamic Community of Lisbon. Erasmus scholarship holder at the University of Pisa, Italy, where she carried out the master's degree thesis under the guidance of Prof. Professor Enrico Talliani. The monograph focuses the process of cooperation of the Diocese of Livorno for the sedentarization of the Wagogo, a Tanzanian ethnic group from the region of Chikopelo/Dodoma. Assistant Professor with final appointment at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP/ULisboa). Researcher at the Center for African, Asian and Latin American Studies, at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management (CEsA-ISEG/ULisboa). President of the African Commission of the Society of Geography of Lisbon.
Investigadores PhD
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