Research Unit:
Short biography:
Pedro Miguel Raposo Amakasu de Medeiros Carvalho is PhD in Economics from the University of Okayama and in Policy Studies from the University of Nanzan, both in Japan. He is assistant professor by University Lusiada of Porto. He is expert in development economics and international cooperation of China and Japan to Africa, in particular to Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP). Recently, published Japan’s Foreign Aid Policy in Africa: Evaluating the TICAD Process; "China’s and Japan’s Foreign Aid Policies vis-à-vis Lusophone Africa", Africa Spectrum; and "The evolution of Japan’s role in Lusophone Africa: From inertia to action", South African Journal of International Affairs. He co-edited with David Arase and Scarlett Cornelissen the Routledge Handbook of Africa-Asia Relations (2018).
Investigadores PhD
Investigation group: