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Short biography:
Associate Professor of Information Systems and Operations Management at ISEG - University of Lisbon (Portugal). Previously he has been an Assistant Professor at ISCTE - IUL Institute University of Lisbon, with different roles such as executive Director of MIG – Masters in Computer Science and Management (Mestrado em Informática e Gestão). He holds the following degrees: PhD in Management Sciences by ISCTE-IUL and the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Institute (Cranfield Univ – UK); MSc in Telecommunications and Computer Science by Instituto Superior Técnico (Instituto Superior Técnico – University of Lisbon); Pos-graduation in Project Management by PMI/ISLA; Graduation in Electrical Engineering by IST/ University of Lisbon. He accomplished an international certification in Project Management - PMP Best Practitioner Program by PMI. He is currently involved in research and consultancy projects in different subjects. In the near past he has been owner, member of the Board and Director of companies related to Information Technology and development services/software, mainly for the telecommunications, utilities and public sectors. His main skills and academic experience are in the areas of Benefits management of investments in IS/IT; Project, Programme and Portfolio Management; Value Governance and Investment Management; Enterprise Governance of IS/IT; Conceptual Modeling and Database Systems.
Investigadores PhD
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