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Short biography:
PhD in Economic and Organizational Sociology at ISEG/University of Lisbon (2014). Post-PhD studies developed at the Geosciences Institute of Federal Fluminense Univ (UFF), associated to the Laboratory of Studies of Social Movements and Territorialities - LEMTO (2016-2017). Visiting Expert invited by the Social and Human Sciences Institute (UFF) during the implementation of the socialincubator Intecsol (2014-2015). Researcher at SOCIUS - CSG, ISEG-UL. Founder and coordinator of several projects at Mó de Vida Co-operative. Currently, I have been coordinating and advising NGO projects based on Popular Education and Participatory Action Research (IAP), oriented towards working with the Roma community, especially with women. Research interests: Other Economies, Other Pedagogies, Popular Education.
1. Leão, Carolina (2019), "Comércio Justo", Dicionário Alice. Consulted at 21.08.19, in ISBN: 978-989-8847-08-9.
2. Leão, C. V. M. A Pedagogia da Autogestão na Construção do Poder Popular. RECEI Revista Eletrônica Científica Ensino Interdisciplinar, v. 4, n. 12, p. 552–567, nov. 2018. Available at:
3. Leão, C. V. M. A Pedagogia Libertária em Carvalho Ferreira: diálogos com o campo das outras pedagogias. In: Raposo, R.; Almeida, M. I. M.; Marques, R.; Jerónimo, H. M.; Sardinha, A., I. D.; Lopes, J. CARLOS; Coelho, M. (Ed.). Utopia, Anarquia e Sociedade. Coimbra: Edições Almedina, 2018. p. 173–191. ISBN: 9789724073248.
Investigadores PhD
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