Research Unit:
Short biography:
PhD degree in Law at the EUI, Florence (1996), after graduating from the Lisbon Law School (1985) and the College of Europe, Bruges (1987). He is Full Professor at ISEG - School of Economics & Management, University of Lisbon - and Jean Monnet Chair of European Law. He was Visiting Professor at Brown University (1999 and 2003). Euro: e se a Alemanha sair primeiro? (Temas e Debates, 2016) is the latest book by António Goucha Soares. He is the author of several other books, including A Livre Circulação de Pessoas na Europa Comunitária (Fragmentos, 1990), Repartição de Competências no Direito Comunitário (Cosmos, 1996), A Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia (Coimbra Ed., 2002), A União Europeia (Almedina, 2006), Direito & Política da União Europeia (Appris, 2013). He has also published a number of scholarly articles on European law & politics in refereed journals such as European Law Review, Liverpool Law Review, European Public Law, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, European Competition Law Review, Econômica, World Competition, European Societies, Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional and Beijing Law Review.
Investigadores PhD
Investigation group: