Research Unit:
Short biography:
Degree of Doctor (2010) in History of Africa by the Faculty of Humanistic of the University of Lisbon with the thesis of Colonial Representations. History and Literature. Angola, the Angolans and their Cultures (1924-1939), obtained with the classification of Approved with Distinction and Praise by unanimity of the jury. Master's Degree (2004) in History of Africa by the Faculty of Humanistic of the University of Lisbon with the thesis Cabinda and the Constructions of his History (1783-1887), obtained with the Very Good classification by unanimity of the jury. Degree in Law from Universidade Católica Portuguesa (1986). He is currently working as a lecturer in the Master of African Studies at the Faculty of Humanistic of the University of Porto (FLUP) and as a lecturer in the Master's Degree in Development Studies at the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG). He participated as researcher in the project “Portugal no Mundo – Descobrimentos, Fronteiras e Utopias (séculos XV-XXI)” - Programa de Estudos Imagética-Projecto CH-UL-2015-2017 (as principal researcher with Maria Leonor García da Cruz, CH/UL). He is author of the book História de Angola. Da Pré-História ao Início do Século XXI, 1st edition, Ed. Mercado de Letras Editores, 2016.
Investigadores PhD
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