Research Unit:
Short biography:
Professor at the Lisbon School of Economics & Management of the University of Lisbon (ISEG-UL)and agregated in Economics by ISEG-UL (1995). Doctor in Economics by ISEG-UL (1987). Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications of the XVIII Constitutional Government of Portugal (26.10.2009 - 22.06.2011). Member of the Board of the Cooperation of Economists (Triennium 2015 - 2017). President of the ISEG-UL School Board (Quadrennium 2014-2018) Chairman of the ISEG Board of Directors (1999-2002 and 2007-2009). President of the Pedagogical Council of ISEG (1993-1994). President of CESA- Center for African, Asian and Latin America Studies (2013 - present). President of CEDIN-Center for European and International Economic Studies (biennium 1995/97, 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06). Professor and researcher in the areas of Macroeconomics, International Economics, International Financial Economics and Economics and Transport Policy. Professor at the Universities of Orléans (France), Fluminense Federal University, Federal University of Bahia and Federal University of Paraíba (Brazil), University of National and World Economy (Sofia-Bulgaria), Agostinho Neto University (Angola-Luanda, Benguela and Lubango ), Mandume Ya Ndemufayo University (Angola-Lubango).
Investigadores PhD
Investigation group: