Research Unit:
Short biography:
Ph.D.(2003) in Interdisciplinary African Studies in Social Sciences with the dissertation Estratégias de Sobrevivência e Reprodução Social de Famílias na Periferia de Maputo (ISCTE-IUL). Master's Degree (1995) in African Studies, specializing in Economic and Social Development in Africa: analysis and management, with the dissertation Estudo de Famílias Deslocadas na Cidade de Maputo: análise das relações e comportamentos sócio-económicos (ISCTE-IUL). Degree in Anthropology (1998), with the dissertation A introdução do Colonialismo Moderno em Moçambique (UNL, 1988). Between 2008 and 2013 she was an assistant researcher at the Center for African Studies (CEA-IUL) of the University Institute of Lisbon and director of the international scientific journal Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. She collaborates as a professor in the Master's Degree in Community Development at ISPA-Instituto Superior de Applied Psychology, in the Masters in Management and Planning of Informal Settlements, at the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning / Eduardo Mondlane University and is a trainer within the scope of DECODE - Cooperation for Development - INA (National Statistics Institute). It also carries out advisory activities in various areas of development and is currently conducting research for UNICEF on Child Development in Mozambique.
Investigadores PhD
Investigation group: