3 FEB 2017 | Seminar “Brazil – Development and Sustainability: Which Challenges?”

ISEG, 3 february 2017


“Brazil – Development and Sustainability: Which Challenges?” will be debated at the next Seminar organized by SOCIUS / CSG-ISEG, Center for Research in Economic and Organizational Sociology, to be held at ISEG on February 3, 2017, with Beginning at 3 pm, at the Auditorium Novo Banco (Ed Quelhas, 4th floor).

The Seminar will be led by Professor George Gurgel of the UNESCO – Sustainability Chair of the Federal University of Bahia. The opening will be made by Professor José Maria Carvalho Ferreira and at the end there will be space for debate among all the participants.

This meeting has the purpose of discussing the issues relating Development and Sustainability with a focus on the Brazilian reality.

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