ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics & Management and IGOT – Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal, host The Migration Conference 2018 Lisbon, from 26th to 28th of June of 2018.
The Conference will be a forum for discussion where experts, young researchers and students, practitioners and policy makers working in the field of migration are encouraged to exchange their knowledge and experiences in a friendly and frank environment. It is organised in thematic streams of parallel sessions focusing migration, migrant populations, diasporas, migration policies, as well as non-migrants and wider impact of human mobility. The scientific programme will comprise invited talks, oral presentations, poster presentations as well as workshops.
The conference will host about 100 parallel sessions and several keynote speakers. The speakers for plenaries will be announced in due course, but surely distinguished scholars of the field will appear as was the case in previous conferences, where Douglas Massey, Saskia Sassen, Oded Stark, Giuseppe Sciortino, Caroline Brettell, Barry Chiswick, and Karen Phalet appeared.
Conference Chairs:
Prof. Ibrahim Sirkeci (Regent’s University)
Prof. João Peixoto (SOCIUS/CSG, ISEG, University of Lisbon)
Prof. Maria Lucinda Fonseca (IGOT, University of Lisbon)
Prof. Jeffrey Cohen (Ohio State University)
Prof. Philip Martin (University of California, Davis)
Prof. Gudrun Biffl (Danube University, Krems)
Important dates: