18-21 OCT 2017 | XXIII Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society – Call for papers – CSG – Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Gestão/ISEG

18-21 OCT 2017 | XXIII Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society – Call for papers

18th-21st October 2017


The XXIII Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society will take place on the premises of the University Institute of Lisbon – ISCTE-IUL, from 18 to 21 October 2017.

As the submission deadline for abstracts approaches to the XXIII Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society, some developments regarding the Congress and the European Statistics Day 2017 – ESD2017: the European Statistics Day 2017 will be celebrated in Lisbon during the Congress on the morning of October 20th, 2017. This celebration is being co-organized By INE, ESAC and SPE.

The EDS2017 theme is: The value of Official Statistics as a Public Good. The program, to be released in due course, includes a guest (a renowned statistician yet to be confirmed) and a panel discussion on the topic Data challenges / risks for the future. The European Statistics Day will be attended by guests from INE, Eurostat, the European Central Bank and journalists.

The abstract submission deadline is June 17th, 2017.

Use the following link to register as an author and proceed with the submission of your communication (oral or poster) https://www.conftool.net/spe2017/

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