Ana Marta Félix Ribeiro • ADVANCE/ GHES/ CSG
Communications Manager at CSG – Research in Social Sciences and Management, ADVANCE – Centre for Advanced Research in Management, and GHES – Social and Economic History Research Unit from ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management of Universidade de Lisboa.
Holds a Degree in International Relations from Universidade de Coimbra (2005), was a researcher in the project Atlas Cultural (CES-UC/ DRCC, 2006), and Senior Officer for Regional Development projects (2007-09). In 2010 becomes part of the Brand and Communication Office of EGEAC-Lisbon City Council.
Communication’s Officer at Doclisboa – International Film Festival Communication’s Officer (2017), and at Casa Fernando Pessoa (2018/19). Until July 2021 was part of SIBS’ Brand and Communication Office.
Postgraduated in Business Management (ISEG, 2021), major in Cultural Management (UAlg, 2010). Professional training in Journalism (CENJOR), and Radio Programming Course (RUC).