Publications in international peer reviewed journals 2015 (1)

Loureiro, S.M.C., Pires, A.R., & Kaufmann, H.R. (2015). Creating value for customers through engagement and participation in brand communities. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 16(2/3), 114-132. (SCOPUS) (FIISEG C)

Loureiro, S.M.C.; with CUNHA, N.P., & Rego, A. (2015). Exploring the Attitudes of Bottled Wine Distributors toward Wine Producers in the Portuguese Wine Sector. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 27 (1), 15-32. (SCOPUS) (FIISEG C)

Loureiro, S.M.C.; with Drennan, J., Bianchi, C., CachoElizondo, S, Guibert, N., & Proud, B. (2015). Examining the Role of Wine Brand Love on Brand Loyalty: A MultiCountry Comparison. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 49, 47-55. WOS:000361162000007 (FIISEG B)

Loureiro, Sandra; Sarmento, Eduardo Moraes; Lopes, Rui (2015), “Feeling Better While Waiting: Hospital Lobby in Portugal and South Korea”, Asian Journal of Business Research, 5(2) 58-72.

Lourenço, Carlos J.S., Els Gijsbrechts, and Richard Paap (2015), “The Impact of Category Prices on Store Price Image Formation: An Empirical Analysis,” Journal of Marketing Research, 52(2), April, 200-216.

Miranda G., F.J., Rubio L., S., Chamorro M., A., & Loureiro, S.M.C. (2015). Determinantes de la intención de uso de Facebook en el proceso de decisión de compra (Determining factors of the intended use of Facebook in the purchase decision process). Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 21(1), 26-34. WOS:000364153800004 (SCOPUS)

RBPI- Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional 58:2 (Dezembro 2015). Reshaping European Union´s development policy: collective choices and the new global order

Mah, Luís (Dezembro 2015), “Reshaping European Union´s development policy: collective choices and the new global order”, Revista Brasileira da Política Internacional, Instituto Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais, On-line version ISSN 1983-3121. (FIISEG C)

Marsilio, C. (2015). “”Which way to turn?” The destinations of the Spanish silver (1621-1650): London, Lisbon, or Genoa”. Annales Mercaturae. Jahrbuch für internationale Handelsgeschichte / Yearbook for the History of International Trade and Commerce, 1, pp. 9-35.

Marsilio, C. (2015). “The Genoese exchange fairs and the Bank of Amsterdam: Comparing two Financial Institutions of the 17th century”, História Econômica & História de Empresas, 18/1, pp. 39-59.

Pedrosa, I, Laureano, R. M. S. & Costa, C. (2015). Motivações dos auditores para o uso das tecnologias de informação na sua profissão: aplicação aos revisores oficiais de contas. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 15, 101-118

Pinto, J., Martins, P., Pinheiro, T., Oliveira, A. (2015) “Ansiedade, depressão e stresse: um estudo com jovens adultos e adultos portugueses”, Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, September, 16 (2): 148-163.

Faustino, H. & Verga Matos, P. (2015). “Exports, productivity and innovation: new firm level empirical evidence”, Applied Economics, 47(46): 4918-4933. WOS:000358149900002 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG B)

Vale, R. & Verga Matos, P. (2015). “The impact of copycat packaging strategies on the adoption of private labels”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 24 (6): 646-659. WOS:000371051200008 (FIISEG C+)

Mendes, I. (2015). Assessing the Non-Marketed Economic Value of Archaeological Cultural Capital. A Methodological Approach by Using Individual Stated Preferences. International Journal of Latest Trends in Financial and Economic Sciences, 5(4).

Mendes, I.; with Oliveira, F., Pintassilgo, P., Pinto, P., Silva, J. A. (2015). Segmenting visitors based on willingness to pay for recreational benefits: the case of Leiria National Forest. Tourism Economics, Fast Track. (FIISEG C+)

Eugénio, T., Lourenço, I., A. Morais & Branco, M. 2015, “The Impact of Media Pressure on Corporate Sustainability in the Cement Industry: A Portuguese Case Study”, Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 4 (3): 25-35.

Martins, M., Morais A. & Isidro, H. (2015), “Disclosure of Intellectual Capital in Mediterranean Countries”, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development (ISSN: 17530679 (online)? ISSN: 17530660 (print versions)), 6 (4): 329-342.

Mota, J., Christl, M. & de Castro, L. (2015) “Dealing with the nonaccomplishment of functional specifications in the context of buyersupplier relationships”, European Journal of Management Studies, 20 (1).

Silva, A. F.; Amaral, L.; Neves, P. (2015). “Business groups in Portugal in the Estado Novo period (1930-1974): family, power and structural change”, Business History, 58 (1), pp. 49-68, 2016 (com Álvaro Ferreira da Silva e Luciano Amaral]. [Publicado on-line em 10 Julho 2015] WOS:000364320500004 (FIISEG B+)

Araujo, C. & Pedron, C. (2015). “The IT project manager competencies that impact project success A qualitative research”. Organisational Project Management, 2: 53-75. WOS:000361138700004

Araujo, C. & Pedron, C. (2015). “The IT project manager competencies that impact project success A qualitative research”. Organisational Project Management, 2: 53-75.

Freitas, W.? Cunico, E. ? Pedron, C. (2015). Marketing de Relacionamento e Customer Relationship Management: uma análise da produção científica nacional à luz do componente “recursos humanos”. Revista de Ciências da Administração (CAD/UFSC), 17: 09-21.

Machado, M., Pedron, C. & Isaias, P. (2015). “Sites de Compra Colectiva X Customer Relationship Management: um Casamento Impossível?” [Collective Buying Sites X Customer Relationship Management: An Impossible Marriage?] Desenvolve Revista de Gestão do Unilasalle. 4(2): 25-42, ISSN: 2316-5537.

Oliveira, M.? Grant, G.? Maçada, A. & Pedron, C. (2015). “How to get papers published in leading IS journals?”. Faces: Revista de Administração (Belo Horizonte. Online), 14(3): 9-18.

Pedron, C.? Santos, F.; Llobet, P. & Chaves, M. (2015). Estratégia de relacionamento entre empresas e bloggers: o caso do setor da cosmética. BASE – Revista de Administração e Contabilidade da Unisinos, 12(2): 110-121.

Pedrosa, I, Laureano, R. M. S. & Costa, C. (2015). Motivações dos auditores para o uso das tecnologias de informação na sua profissão: aplicação aos revisores oficiais de contas. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 15, 101-118

Pinto, I. & Pais, M. (2015). Fair Value Accounting Choice: Empirical Evidence From Portuguese Real Estate Investment Funds, Journal of European Real Estate Research 8(2): 130 – 152. ISSN: 1753-9269. (SCOPUS)

Ferreira M., Proença, T. & Proença, J. (2015) “Volunteering for a Lifetime? Volunteers’ intention to stay in Portuguese Hospitals”, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26 (3): 890-912. WOS:000354641200008 (FIISEG C)

Ferreira, M. & Proença, J. (2015) “Strategic Planning and Organizational Effectiveness in Social Service Organizations in Portugal”, Management Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 20 (2). (SCOPUS)

Soares, R. & Proença, J. (2015), “Does Service failure severity matter? Customer’s response to service recovery”, Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies, Vol. 2015 (2015), Article ID 709531.

Rodrigues, Lisbeth, Sá, Isabel dos Guimarães (2015). “Sugar and Spices in Portuguese Renaissance Medicine.” Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 7(2): 1­21. WOS:000361628800002 (SCOPUS)

Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2015). Enhancing Organisational Maturity with Benefits Management. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 6 (4). ISSN: 19380232, EISSN: 19380240, DOI: 10.4018/IJITPM.

Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2015). Enhancing Organisational Maturity with Benefits Management. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 6 (4). ISSN: 19380232, EISSN: 19380240. (FIISEG C)

Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2015). The success of IS/IT projects in the healthcare sector: stakeholders’ perceptions. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. DOI: 10.1109/CISTI.2015.7170516.

Sangreman, Carlos and Faria, Raquel (2015). “The Soft Systems Methodology and its suitability for Portuguese Cooperation”. Perspectivas: Portuguese Journal of Political Science and International Relations, n.º 15, december, pp. 7-29

Sangreman, Carlos and Faria, Raquel (2015). “The values of Portuguese Cooperation for Development”. Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications. December 2015, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 47-62.

Sangreman, Carlos; Martins, Luísa (2015), “Voluntary Society: Motivation and Characteristics of Portuguese”, International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, Vol. 5 No. 5, Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), Los Angeles, USA.

Santos, António Carlos (2015). Hesitações e impasses da política tributária europeia. Revista Argumentum, Universidade de Marília, nº 16, 2015, pp. 403-416.

Santos, António Carlos (2015). What is Substantial Economic Activity for Tax purposes in the Context of the European Union and the OECD Initiatives against Harmful Tax Competition?. EC Tax Review, 2015, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 166-175. ISSN: 0928-2750. ID: ECTA2015017.

Santos, J. & Baptista, C. (2015) “Business interaction between competitors – Towards a model for analyzing strategic alliances” The IMP Journal, 9 (3): 286-299.

Santos, Miguel Baião (2015). Employment Attainment, Constraints and Devices: A Holocletic Model. IUP Journal of Organizational Behaviour. Vol. XIV, No. 1, January 2015, pp. 7-38.

Gonçalves, V., Mendes, F., Sardinha, I. & Rodrigues, R. (2015). Twenty Years after the Porter Report for Portugal. Competitiveness Review, Special Issue – The Competitive Advantage of Nations: 25 Years After, Vol. 25, 5 p. 540-554. (SCOPUS)

Loureiro, S.M.C., & Ferreira, E.S. (2015). Tourism destination competitiveness in São Tomé and Príncipe. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 26(2), 217-229. (SCOPUS)

Loureiro, Sandra; Sarmento, Eduardo Moraes; Lopes, Rui (2015), “Feeling Better While Waiting: Hospital Lobby in Portugal and South Korea”, Asian Journal of Business Research, 5(2) 58-72.

Sarmento, Eduardo, António Abreu; Carla Oliveira (2015), “O papel dos eventos turísticos nas unidades de alojamento e hoteleiras e de restauração e bebidas na cidade de Torres Vedras: o caso do carnaval”, Tourism and Hospitality International Journal , ISSN: 2183-0800, ISCE, 5(1):12-34.

Sarmento, Eduardo; Louro, Cláudia; Oliveira, Carla (2015), The importance of accessibility for senior tourism in Estoril coast, International Journal of Business Administration, ISSN 1923-4007 (print); ISSN 1923-4015 (online) (April 25)

Reis, Ribeiro & Sarmento (2015), “A brief overview on regulation and performance in the Portuguese water sector”, Network Industries Quarterly SeptemberSarmento (2015), “A auditoria pública nas parcerias público-privadas: o caso do Tribunal de Contas de Portugal”, Revista do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Minas Gerais nº1/2015

Serrano, Maria Manuel; Santos, Anabela & Neto, Paulo (2015). “Análise da eficácia, eficiência e valor acrescentado de políticas públicas place-based – uma aplicação a territórios rurais”. Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, Vol. 53, Supl. 1, pp. S033-S048. (SCOPUS)

Gonçalves, H., Lourenço, T. & Silva G. (2015) “Green buying behavior and the theory of consumption values: A fuzzyset approach”, Journal of Business Research, 69 (4): 1484-1481. WOS:000370101300041 (FIISEG B+)

Ramos Silva, Joaquim, Guimarães, Carla Regina F. F. (2015). Diferenciais de salário no setor turístico do nordeste do Brasil: uma análise comparativa com as regiões brasileiras. Rev. Econ. NE, Fortaleza, v. 46, n. 2, p.173-191, abr-jun., 2015.

Ramos Silva, Joaquim; with Carla Regina Freire Ferreira Guimarães (2015). “Pay gap by gender in the tourism industry of Brazil”, Tourism Management, Volume 52, Fevereiro 2016 (Available online 31 July 2015), pp. 440-450. WOS:000366235100039 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG A)

Soares, António Goucha (2015). “EU Commission participation in the Troika mission: is there a European Union price to pay?”, Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, Vol. 58 , nº1, pp.108-126 2015. WOS:000361560400006 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG C)

Sobral, J. and Ferreira, L. (2015). “Establishment of Optimal Physical Assets Inspection Frequency based on Risk Principles”, Eksploatacja i Niezawodno?? ? Maintenance and Reliability 2015? 17 (2):243?249. WOS:000351848600011 (SCOPUS)

Sobral, J. and Ferreira, L. (2015). “Maintenance of Fire Sprinkler Systems based on the Dynamic Assessment of its Condition”, Process Safety Progress, Volume 35, Issue 1, pages 84-91 (published online: 25 APR 2015). WOS:000370735300016 (SCOPUS)

Santos Curto, Helena; Moita, Luís; Rocha Brito, Brígida; Quintas, Célia; Sousa Galito, Maria (2015). “Cidades e Regiões: A Paradiplomacia em Portugal”, JANUS.NET – e.Journal of International Relations, vol. 54, n.º 2, Novembro 2014-Abril 2015, pp. 108-115, ISSN: 1647-7251.

Schwab, A., Werbel, Hofmann, J. & Lopes Henriques, P. (2015).”Managerial Gender Diversity and Firm Performance: An Integration of Different Perspectives”, Group and Organization Management, 41(1): 5-31. Published Online: 04 June 2015. WOS:000368282600002 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG A)

Spinuzza, Giulia, “Glória de Sant’Anna: uma voz feminina nos confins do Índico”, In: InterDISCIPLINARY Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies (IJPDS), vol 4, n. 1 (2015) Special Issue, 94-114.

Tiago, F.; Couto, J. Tiago, T. & Faria, S. (2015). “Entrepreneurship: Unveiling World Patterns”. International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, 2 (4): 116.

Tiago, T.; Amaral, F & Tiago, F. (2015). “The good, the bad and the ugly: food quality in UGC”, Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 162 170.

Tiago, T.; Amaral, F & Tiago, F. (2015). “The good, the bad and the ugly: food quality in UGC”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 162-169. WOS:000380495700021

Tiago, T.; Faria, S.; Couto, J. & Tiago, F. (2015). “Fostering innovation by promoting entrepreneurship: from education to intention”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 154-161. WOS:000380495700020

Tiago, F.; Couto, J. Tiago, T. & Faria, S. (2015). “Entrepreneurship: Unveiling World Patterns”. International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, 2 (4): 116.

Tiago, T.; Amaral, F & Tiago, F. (2015). “The good, the bad and the ugly: food quality in UGC”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 175: 162-169. WOS:000380495700021

Valentim, Igor Vinicius Lima (2015). Remuneração Variável: subjetivação e produção do professor-vendedor. Educação & Realidade, Volume 40, Ed. 3? Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Faculdade de Educação, Porto Alegre, 09/2015, Pages: 955-961.

Valério, N. (2015) “Political Independence and Technical Independence of Central Banks: A Crucial Distinction for European Monetary and Banking Union” The Journal of European Economic History, 44 (2): 9-37. (FIISEG C)

Varanda, M.; with Stigter, T., Bento, S. Nunes, J. P., Hugman, R. (2015). Combined Assessment of Climate Change and Socio-Economic Development as Drivers of Freshwater Availability in the South of Portugal, Water Resources Management, Springer, pp. 1-20. ISSN: 0920-4741 (Print) 1573-1650 (Online). (SCOPUS)

Verdasca, A. (2015). Organizational Changes, Workplace bullying and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, International Journal of Working Conditions, 9, pp. 82-98.

Veríssimo, J. & Lacerda, T. (2015). “Does integrity matter for CSR Practice in Organizations? The mediating role of transformational leadership”. Business Ethics: A European Review, 24(1), 34-51. WOS:000346700600003 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG C+)

Veríssimo, J. M. C., T. M. C.LACERDA, “The impact of CEO’s transformational leadership and ethical integrity on strategic orientation to CSR”, European Journal of Management Studies, 2015, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 95-114

Veríssimo, J. & Lacerda, T. (2015). “Does integrity matter for CSR Practice in Organizations? The mediating role of transformational leadership”. Business Ethics: A European Review, 24(1), 34-51. WOS:000346700600003 (SCOPUS) (FIISEG C+)

Varanda, M.; with Stigter, T., Bento, S. Nunes, J. P., Hugman, R. (2015). Combined Assessment of Climate Change and Socio-Economic Development as Drivers of Freshwater Availability in the South of Portugal, Water Resources Management, Springer, pp. 1-20. ISSN: 0920-4741 (Print) 1573-1650 (Online). (SCOPUS)

Wieser, Doris (2015). “Discriminação racial e (re)construção nacional em Moçambique: O Alegre Canto da Perdiz, de Paulina Chiziane”. Via Atlântica, n. 27, 77-92.

Wieser, Doris (2015): “?O conceito de branco como branco não existe na cultura bantu?, entrevista a Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa”. In: Mulemba, 12, 4-20.

Wieser, Doris (2015): “Masculinidad y violencia de género en la novela negrocriminal nicaragüense”. In: Badebec, v. 4, n. 8, 205-232.

Zambujal-Oliveira; Duque, João (2015). “Analysis of the asset replacement level with an uncertain salvage value: a two-factor model”. Optimization – A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, 64(12): 2553-2566.

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