Outras publicações internacionais 2018
- Arcanjo, Manuela (2018), “Unemployment protection reforms in Southern European countries between 2004 and 2016 and the trade-off between efficiency and equity”, WP042018DESOCIUS. https://ideas.repec.org/p/ise/isegwp/wp042018.html
- Botelho, M., Mauritti, R, Craveiro, D., & Nunes, N. (2018). Well-Being Inequality in Europe. CIES e-Working Paper N.º 221/2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/16631
- Brailly, Julien, ENSAT, Toulouse Catherine Comet, Université de Lille, CLERSE Sébastien Delarre, Université de Lille, CLERSE Fabien Eloire, Université de Lille, CLERSE Guillaume Favre, Université de Toulouse, LISST Emmanuel Lazega, Sciences Po, CSO, IUF Lise Mounier, Ecole Normale Supérieure, CMH Jaime Montes-Lihn, Université Paris-Dauphine, IRISSO Mohamed Oubenal, IRCAM, Rabat, Marta Pedro Varanda, Universidade de Lisboa, ISEG Elise Penalva-Icher, Université Paris-Dauphine, IRISSO Alvaro Pina-Stranger, Université de Rennes, CREM (ORIO Network) (2018). Neo-structural economic sociology beyond embeddedness – Relational infrastructures and social processes in markets and market institutions. Economic Sociology, The European Electronic Newsletter, Vol.19, Number 3, July 2018, pp.36-49. http://econsoc.mpifg.de/archive/econsoc-Newsletter_19-3.pdf
- Cahen, Michel, “Desconcentração, descentralização ou democratização? O olhar de Michel Cahen”, entrevista por Francisco Carmona, Savana (Maputo), 1359, 23 Fevereiro 2018, pp. 1-4, https://savana.co.mz/olhar-michel-cahen/ https://lamenparle.hypotheses.org/715 https://www.academia.edu/36138119
- Cahen, Michel, recensão: “L’Angola dans la longue durée. Autour du livre de Alberto Oliveira Pinto, História de Angola da Pré-História ao início do Século XXI, Lisbonne, Mercado de Letras Editores, 2016, 800 p., ISBN: 978-972-8834-26-5”, Outre-Mers. Revue d’histoire (Paris, SFHOM), n° 398-399, junho 2018, pp. 303-309.
- Cahen, Michel, Review Essay: “Le Mozambique dans l’histoire. À propos de Malyn Newitt, A Short History of Mozambique”, Londres, Hurst & Co (2017), xvi + 254 p., bibl., index, ISBN 978-1-84904-833-0, Lusotopie, XVII (1), set. 2018 : 159-167, https://brill.com/view/journals/luso/17/1/article-p159_10.xml
- Corado Simões, V. & Godinho, M. (2018) “RIO Report Portugal -2017”, European Commission, 2018
- Corado Simões, V., Rocha, A., Carneiro, J. & Mello, R. (2018). “Borderless Companies versus Born Globals: Why do we need another label”, Empreendimiento y Negócios Internacionales, 3(1), pp. 21-25.
- Craveiro, D., Botelho, M., Mauritti, R, & Nunes, N. (2018). The inequality effect in the well-being of European OECD countries: a new perspective on data addressing the multidimensionality of the concepts. Paper prepared for the 16th Conference of IAOS OECD Headquarters, Paris, France, 19-21 September 2018.
- Duarte, Paulo (2018). “Viagem ao Centro da Terra: a oportunidade sino-europeia no quadro da Faixa e Rota”. Revista Oriente-Ocidente. Instituto Internacional de Macau, n.º35, 2ª série, pp. 60-69.
- Duarte, Paulo (2018). A China e o Ártico: breves notas. Revista Sociedade Militar. February 5, https://www.sociedademilitar.com.br/wp/2018/02/geopolitica-china-e-o-artico.html
- Duarte, Paulo (2018). China – Países lusófonos: desafios e oportunidades da Faixa e Rota chinesa. Revista Sociedade Militar. January 31, https://www.sociedademilitar.com.br/wp/2018/01/china-paises-lusofonos-desafios-e-oportunidades-da-faixa-e-rota-chinesa-paulo-duarte.html
- Duarte, Paulo (2018). China’s Arctic Policy. International Policy Digest. February 28, https://intpolicydigest.org/2018/02/28/china-s-arctic-policy/
- Duarte, Paulo (2018). Quando a morte te bater à porta, deixa que seja a empregada a abrir. Revista Sociedade Militar. March 28, https://www.sociedademilitar.com.br/wp/2018/03/quando-morte-te-bater-porta-deixa-que-seja-empregada-abrir.html
- Gaspar, Marisa C. (2018). Book submission to the European Anthropology in Translation Series of Berghahn Books editor [Gaspar, Marisa C. (2019). Heirs of the Bamboo: Identity and Ambivalence among the Macanese. Trans. Roopanjali Roy].
- Gubareva, M. (2018), IFRS 9 Compliant Adjustment of CDS Implied Point-in-Time PDs to Through-the-Cycle Default Frequencies. Working Paper nº WP01/2018, ISCAL. ISSN: 2184-3325.
- Isaias, P. & Lima, S. (2018). Collaborative design of case studies applying an adaptive digital learning tool. EDMEDIA 2018.
- Isaías, P. (editor). IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet. IADIS Press. ISSN: 1645-7641.
- Isaías, P. (editor). Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE). Emerald. ISSN: 1741-565
- Isaías, P. (editor). Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO). IGI Global. ISSN: 1741-5659.9.
- Isaías, P., & Paprzycki, M. (editors). IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems. IADIS Press. ISSN: 1646-3692.
- Isaias, P., Issa, T., & Kommers, P. (Eds.). (2018). Digital Economy and the role of Technologies, People and Processes in Society [Special Issue]. Journal of Information Communication and Ethics in Society (JICES).
- Isaias, P., McKimmie, B., Bakharia, A. & Zornig, J. (2018). Flipping the Classroom Effectively: Evaluation Results from a Course at The University of Queensland. EDMEDIA 2018.
- Kommers, P. (executive editor) & Isaías, P. (associate editor). International Journal of Web Based Communities, Inderscience Publishers. ISSN (Online): 1741-8216 – ISSN (Print): 1477-8394.
- Lindley, M. & Isaias, P. (2018). Gameful design principles for self-learning in gamified elearning systems. EDMEDIA 2018.
- Lopes, Carlos M., ‘O “mambo” da economia informal. “Qual é o plano”? Uma leitura crítica da abordagem do PDN 2018-2022’. Actas VIII Revista Mulemba, Vol VIII, nº16, Luanda, Novembro de 2018.
- Lourenço, Carlos J.S., Amir Javadinia, Mark Boons, and Mart Evers (2018), “Making Ideas Break Through the Crowd: The Efficacy of Marketing Communication Instruments and the Success of Crowdfunding,” 2018 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Vol. 29, Editors: Jacob Goldenberg, Juliano Laran, Andrew Stephen, New Orleans, LA (pdf) [Best Paper in ‘Advertising and Communications’]
- Marsilio, C. “Listini” o cotizaciones de los cambios de moneda en las ferias de Lyon y Piacenza (https://www.museoferias.net/listini-o-cotizaciones-de-los-cambios-de-moneda/)
- MENDES, I. 2018. Social risks of forest fires: a methodological proposal for their monetary evaluation. Repec Working Papers WP02/2018/DE/CSG-SOCIUS. ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon: Lisbon.
- Ribeiro, I. & Pedron, C.D. (2018). Gestão de Projetos 2.0? Uma proposta para avaliação de competências de RH. MundoPM – Abr/Mai-2018, N.º 80, pp. 30-33. https://projectdesignmanagement.com.br/produto/gestao-de-projetos-2-0-uma-proposta-de-avaliacao-de-competencias-de-recursos-humanos/
- Santos, Anabela; Cincera, Michele; Neto, Paulo & Serrano, Maria Manuel (2018). “Competition Effect on Innovation and Productivity – The Portuguese case, GPP – Conselho para a Produtividade, CPP Papers nº 4. https://conselhoprodutividade.files.wordpress.com/2018/12/CPP-Papers_4_GEE-102.pdf
- Santos, Anabela; Cincera, Michele; Neto, Paulo; Serrano, Maria Manuel (2018). Competition effect on innovation and productivity – The Portuguese case. Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos Papers, n. º 102. https://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:mde:wpaper:0102
- Santos, Miguel Baiao (2018). Future of ECVET – Creating Evidence Criteria. Editorial of the ECVET Magazine, #32, August 2018
- Santos, Miguel Baiao (2018). Using ECVET for Long Duration Mobility. Editorial of the ECVET Magazine, #31, April 2018
- Soares, Antonio Goucha, “Visões e Trajetórias: os lugares de Portugal e Espanha na União Europeia”, Análisis del Real Instituto Elcano, ARI 8/2018, 2018, http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_es/contenido?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/elcano/elcano_es/zonas_es/ari8-2018-gouchasoares-visoes-trajetorias-lugares-portugal-espanha-uniao-europeia
- Leite, A.M., Falconi, J. e Brugioni, E. (Eds.) (2018). Espaços Transnacionais: Narrativas do Oceano Índico. Special Issue of Remate de Males, no. 38. N. 1. https://periodicos.sbu.unicamp.br/ojs/index.php/remate/issue/view/1517/showToc