- Andion, C.; Graef. J.; Ronconi, L.; Bittencourt, B. (2017). Analyzing a social innovation ecosystem: a case study in Florianópolis. 5E Colloque international du CRISES. Des émergences à la reconnaissance. Trajectoires d’innovation.
- Bittencourt, B.; Rosa Pires, A.; Ronconi, L. (2017). A inovação social em interface com a RIS3: estudo sobre políticas estratégicas de desenvolvimento em organizações da economia social. Participation in Planning and Public Policy. IV Conference of Regional and urban planning. ISSN 170-223-0834-4-5.
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- Casaca, S. F. (2017). Report on Portugal – COST Action IS1409: Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries (com Paula Cristina Albuquerque, Bárbara Ferreira, Heloísa Perista e Pedro Perista).
- Casaca, Sara Falcão (2017). Guide to Promote Gender Equality in Companies.
- Dellaert, Benedict, Bas Donkers, Carlos J.S. Lourenço (2017), “Consumer Acceptance of Online Pension Investment Advice,” Netspar Design Paper 82.
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). A lógica de Frei Tomás. Revista Sociedade Militar. May 24
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). A privatização da segurança e os limites da não-interferência. Revista Sociedade Militar, July 20
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). Caravanas de Informação. Revista Sociedade Militar, May 5
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). É mais fácil fazer scan que andar com porta-moedas: prenúncios da cidade digital. September 22
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). Morte assistida? EUA vs Coreia do Norte e o Resto apático que ajuda a morrer, Revista Sociedade Militar, August 13
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). O caráter ditatorial da democracia. Revista Sociedade Militar, January 15
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). Receitando poder doce ao amigo chinês. Revista Sociedade Militar, February 13
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). Securitising China’s interests: Can Chinese private military companies replace the PLA? International Policy Digest, September 2
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). Terror: o novo normal? Não me leves a mal, mas quero viver. Revista Sociedade Militar, March 23
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). The One Belt One Road rail logistics. IAPS Dialogue. June 8
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). The One Belt One Road: making China great again. Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies, August 21, https://iapsdialogue.org/2017/08/21/the-one-beltone-road-making-china-great-again/
- Fernandes, Lúcia, Oriana Rainho Brás, Teresa Bezerra Meira, and Sofia Bento (2017). “Half a Century of Public Participation to Stop Pollution in the Alviela River, from 1957 to Today.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia Summer 2017, no. 20. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. doi.org/10.5282/rcc/7919
- Ferreira, Bárbara; Estevens, Ana (2017), “City Migration Profile – Lisbon”, Mediterranean City-to-City Migration. Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT).
- Ferreira, Bárbara; Estevens, Ana (2017), “City Priority Paper – Lisbon”, Mediterranean City-to-City Migration. Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT).
- Fontainha, E., Araújo, T., & Fontainha, E. (2017). Big Missing Data: are scientific memes inherited differently from gendered authorship?. arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.05156. Cornell University Library.
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- Isaías, P. (editor). IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet. IADIS Press. ISSN: 1645-7641.
- Isaías, P. (editor). Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE). Emerald. ISSN: 1741-565 Isaías, P. (editor). Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO). IGI Global. ISSN: 1741-5659.9.
- Isaías, P., & Paprzycki, M. (editors). IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems. IADIS Press. ISSN: 1646-3692.
- Kommers, P. (executive editor) & Isaías, P. (associate editor). International Journal of Web Based Communities, Inderscience Publishers. ISSN (Online): 1741-8216 – ISSN (Print): 1477-8394.
- Marsilio, C. BOOK: El ahorro en perspectiva histórica. Una herramienta para el progreso de las personas y de la sociedad, Madrid: Mapfre Seguros, 2016, ISBN: 978-84-9844-622-7
- Ronconi, L.; Bittencourt, B.; Pinho, J. L. (2016). Políticas de inovação social em Portugal e no Brasil: estratégias de desenvolvimento territorial sustentável. TMS Algarve 2016 – Turism & Management Studies International Conference, ISSN 978-989-84729-3-9.
- Ronconi, L.; Menezes, E.; Bittencourt, B. (2017). Desenvolvimento territorial sustentável: estudo de uma iniciativa de economia social e solidária no contexto do turismo, G&R, São Paulo, Brasil, (no press/peer referee).
- Ronconi, L.; Menezes, E.; Bittencourt, B.; Graef. J.; Pinho, J. L. (2016). A contribuição do cooperativismo para o turismo e desenvolvimento territorial sustentável. TMS Algarve 2016 – Turism & Management Studies International Conference. ISSN 978-989-84729-3-9.
- Santos, Miguel Baião (2017) Attaining the Future of ECVET. ECVET Magazine Editorial, #29, October 2017
- Sarmento, E. (2017). Parecer externo sobre a metodologia utilizada, Observatório dos Direitos, Relatório Narrativo Final, União Europeia, ACEP, CESA e LGDH, Bissau.
- Serrano, Maria Manuel (2017). Editorial das Atas/Proceedings of 2nd International Meeting of Industrial Sociology, Sociology of Organizations and Work under the theme Work, Professions and Organizations: Tensions, Paths and Public Policies, pp.10-11, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Monte da Caparica, 24th and 25th November 2016.
- Serrano, Maria Manuel; Urze, Paula e Assunção, Fátima (Coord.) (2017). Proceedings of 2nd International Meeting of Industrial Sociology, Sociology of Organizations and Work under the theme Work, Professions and Organizations: Tensions, Paths and Public Policies. Monte da Caparica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 24 -25 november 2016.
- Varanda, M. (2017). 2nd INTREPID Report Interdisciplinarity, the Social Sciences and the Humanities and Responsible Research and Innovation in EU Research por Olivia Bina com contribuições de Marta Varanda, Carlo Sessa, Helena Guimarães and Doris Alexander, Abril 2017;
- Varanda, M. (2017). INTREPID Futures Initiative – Universities and Knowledge for Sustainable Urban Futures: as if inter and trans-disciplinarity mattered. Olivia Bina, Giulio Verdini, Andy Inch, Marta Varanda, Marite Guevara, and Prue Chiles, 11 May 2017
- Carlos Manuel Mira Godinho Fernandes Lopes – Mercados de Fronteira, Revista Angolana de Sociologia. Luanda. Angola. (em processo de aprovação)
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). Russia’s Eurasian Dream: the original sin revisited. International Policy Digest, September (awaiting publication).
- Espírito Santo, A. Espírito Santo, Armindo “A verdade da História. Amador: da revolta ao título de rei”. COFECON Revista Economistas, Brasil (a aguardar publicação)