Research Unit:
Short biography:
Marcelo Fernandes has great academic, professional, consulting and managerial experience in the Human Resources area. He has worked in many companies such as Otis Elevators, Dataprev, Embratel. In the academic area, Marcelo has experience in teaching in University graduate and postgraduate courses at Lato Sensu level in areas of Information and People Management, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Cândido Mendes University and Federal Center for Technological Education. From 2000 to 2014, worked as researcher assistent on Values and People Management at the Institute of Psychology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and is member, since 2002, of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV). Currently, Marcelo is leading the Human Resources area of INPI-Brazil and he is also studying in the PhD program of Economic and Organizational Sociology in the School of the Economics and Management (ISEG) at University of Lisbon, Portugal
Outros Investigadores
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