Research Unit:
Short biography:
Antonio's research is based on applying behavioural sciences to public policy across a range of topics, from tackling prejudice and discrimination in the UK, reducing antibiotic prescription in Portugal and fostering inter-group trust in conflict areas in Nigeria and Myanmar. Antonio is also the Head of Integration and Social Cohesion at the Behavioural Insights Team, the world's first government organisation dedicated to the application of behavioural sciences in public policy. Since joining BIT in 2013, Antonio has worked on a range of policy areas, including education, loneliness and crime. He designed one of the world’s first robust evaluations of counter-radicalisation programmes and is currently leading the design of large scale interventions in the UK and overseas to bring together communities through building empathy and reducing prejudice. Antonio completed his PhD in Evolutionary Anthropology at University College London on the interplay between cooperation and conflict in the Catholic and Protestant communities in Northern Ireland.
Investigadores PhD
Investigation group: