Programas de Transferência Condicionada de Rendimento e a Viragem à Esquerda na América Latina • Marianna Rios Franco • CEsA/CSG
“Programas de Transferência Condicionada de Rendimento e a Viragem à Esquerda na América Latina” é o recente working-paper da autoria do investigadora Marianna Rios Franco, do CEsA/CSG. Leia aqui o working paper.
Read moreInfluence of green creativity on organizations: A case study from the perspectives of leaders and subordinates • Paulo Lopes Henriques, Helena Jerónimo • ADVANCE/CSG
“Influence of green creativity on organizations: A case study from the perspectives of leaders and subordinates“, é o artigo da autoria do investigador Paulo Lopes Henriques e da investigadora Helena Jerónimo, ambos do ADVANCE/CSG, desenvolvido em conjunto com Jéssica Laranjeira, do ISEG, que se encontra publicado na edição de março de 2023 do Creativity and Innovation Management Journal. Artigo disponível aqui.
Read moreClarifying knowledge withholding: A systematic literature review and future research agenda • Tiago Gonçalves, Carla Curado, Mírian Oliveira • ADVANCE/CSG
Tiago Rodrigues Gonçalves, Carla Curado e Mírian Oliveira, investigador/as do ADVANCE/CSG, publicaram recentemente o artigo “Clarifying knowledge withholding: A systematic literature review and future research agenda” no Journal of Business Research, em março de 2023. Artigo disponível aqui.
Read moreThe Portuguese budgetary costs with First World War: a comparative perspective • Ricardo Ferraz • GHES/CSG
“The Portuguese budgetary costs with First World War: a comparative perspective” é o recente artigo do investigador Ricardo Ferraz, do GHES/CSG, publicado pelo European Review of Economic History Journal, uma edição da European Historical Economics Society que se encontra disponível aqui.
Read moreConsumer decision journey: Mapping with real-time longitudinal online and offline touchpoint data • Susana Santos, Helena Martins Gonçalves • ADVANCE/CSG
O artigo “Consumer decision journey: Mapping with real-time longitudinal online and offline touchpoint data”, da autoria das investigadoras Susana Santos e Helena Martins Gonçalves, membros do ADVANCE/CSG, encontra-se publicado no European Management Journal. Está disponível para consulta através deste link.
Read moreBreakthroughs in the transition from secondary education to higher education: does the labour market respond to all failures? • Margarida Chagas Lopes • SOCIUS/CSG
A investigadora do SOCIUS/ CSG Margarida Chagas Lopes publicou o seu artigo “Breakthroughs in the transition from secondary education to higher education: does the labour market respond to all failures?” no Volume 16 No. 1, de 2023, da Revista Foco, que pode ser consultada online, aqui.
Read moreFlights-to-quality from EM Bonds to safe-haven US Treasury Securities: A time-frequency Analysis • Maria Gubareva • SOCIUS/ CSG
O artigo “Flights-to-quality from EM Bonds to safe-haven US Treasury Securities: A time-frequency Analysis”, da investigadora Maria Gubareva, do SOCIUS/ CSG, foi recentemente publicado no Volume 59 – Issue 2, de 2023, do Emerging Markets Finance and Trade Journal. Encontra-se disponível para consulta aqui.
Read moreStudy of the Value Chain of the Tourism Sector in Angola as an Alternative Economic, Social, and Environmental Development Strategy Under the PRODESI Programme • Eduardo Sarmento • CEsA/ CSG
Com autoria do investigador do Eduardo Sarmento, do CEsA/ CSG, o seu recente working-paper “Study of the Value Chain of the Tourism Sector in Angola as an Alternative Economic, Social, and Environmental Development Strategy Under the PRODESI Programme” pode ser consultado online, aqui, no Repositório da ULisboa.
Read moreStrategic responses of the family businesses in accommodation industry: lessons for overcoming crises • Nuno Fernandes Crespo, Cátia Fernandes Crespo, Maria Calado • ADVANCE/ CSG
O artigo “Strategic responses of the family businesses in accommodation industry: lessons for overcoming crises” da autoria de Nuno Fernandes Crespo, Cátia Fernandes Crespo e Maria Calado, membros do ADVANCE/ CSG, foi recentemente publicado Journal of Family Business Management e pode ser consulatdo online, através deste link.
Read moreHigh-tech firms: Dividend policy in a context of sustainability and technological change • Pedro Verga Matos, Victor Barros, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento e Pedro Rino Vieira • ADVANCE/ CSG
“High-tech firms: Dividend policy in a context of sustainability and technological change”, artigo com autoria de Pedro Verga Matos, Victor Barros, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento e Pedro Rino Vieira, investigadores do ADVANCE/ CSG, encontra-se publicado na edição de Maio de 2023 do Technological Forecasting and Social Change Journal. Disponível online, aqui.
Read moreSupporting small firms through recessions and recoveries • Clara Raposo • ADVANCE/ CSG
“Supporting small firms through recessions and recoveries”, é o artigo da autoria da investigadora Clara Raposo – membro do ADVANCE/ CSG, recentemente publicado no Journal of Financial Economics e que pode ser consultado aqui.
Read moreHistorical gender discrimination does not explain comparative Western European development: evidence from Portugal, 1300-1900 • Lisbeth Rodrigues • GHES/ CSG
“Historical gender discrimination does not explain comparative Western European development: evidence from Portugal, 1300-1900″, é o artigo da autoria da investigadora Lisbeth Rodrigues, do GHES/ CSG, e que pode ser consultado na edição do “Explorations in Economic History Journal” disponível aqui.
Read moreImpacts of COVID-19 on dynamic return and volatility spillovers between rare earth metals and renewable energy stock markets • Maria Gubareva • SOCIUS/ CSG
“Impacts of COVID-19 on dynamic return and volatility spillovers between rare earth metals and renewable energy stock markets” é o artigo da investigadora Maria Gubareva do SOCIUS/ CSG, recentemente publicado no volume 80 do “Resources Policy Journal”, e que poder ser lido aqui.
Read morePrejudiced Rationales for Stereotyping: On the Experiences of Black and African-Descended Women in Reproductive Care in Portugal and Mozambique • Inês Faria, Laura Brito, Karla Costa • SOCIUS/ CSG
“Prejudiced Rationales for Stereotyping: On the Experiences of Black and African-Descended Women in Reproductive Care in Portugal and Mozambique” é o capítulo da autoria das investigadoras do SOCIUS Inês Faria, Laura Brito and Karla Costa, publicado no livro “Bioethics and Racism” e que pode ser consultado através deste link.
Read moreFragilities and Shocks Effects on Households and Communities in West Africa • Vincent Agulonye • CEsA/ CSG
“Fragilities and Shocks Effects on Households and Communities in West Africa”, da autoria do investigador do CEsA Vincent Agulonye, é o documento de trabalho nº 189/2023 do Centro de Estudos sobre África e Desenvolvimento do ISEG, e está disponível online para consulta aqui.
Read moreReputational recovery under political instability: Public debt in Portugal, 1641-83 • Leonor Freire Costa e Susana Münch Miranda • GHES/ CSG
“Reputational recovery under political instability: Public debt in Portugal, 1641-83“, Leonor Freire Costa e Susana Münch Miranda – GHES/ CSG; The Economic History Review;
Read moreA Identidade Nacional na Guiné-Bissau: Um ensaio exploratório inspirado na metodologia de J. Cheek, S. Briggs, S. Smith e L. Tropp • Carlos Sangreman e Raquel Faria • CEsA/ CSG
A Identidade Nacional na Guiné-Bissau: Um ensaio exploratório inspirado na metodologia de J. Cheek, S. Briggs, S. Smith e L. Tropp; Carlos Sangreman e Raquel Faria (CEsA/ CSG); Working Paper CEsA – 2023.
Read moreA crisis like no other? Unmet needs in healthcare during the first wave of the COVID-19 crisis in Austria • Ricardo Rodrigues • SOCIUS/ CSG
A crisis like no other? Unmet needs in healthcare during the first wave of the COVID-19 crisis in Austria Andrea E Schmidt, Ricardo Rodrigues, Cassandra Simmons, Nadia Steiber; European Journal of Public Health, Volume 32, Issue 6, December 2022, Pages 969 975,
Read moreThe Portuguese Welfare State • Amilcar Moreira • SOCIUS/ CSG
The Portuguese Welfare State, Amílcar Moreira and Miguel Glatzer; Chapter 32, The Oxford Handbook of Portuguese Politics. Table of contents link
Read moreSubjective performance evaluation andmanagerial work outcomes • Iryna Alves e Sofia Lourenço • ADVANCE/ CSG
“Subjective performance evaluation andmanagerial work outcomes”, Iryna Alves e Sofia Lourenço, – ADVANCE/ CSG; Accounting and Business Research, 2023Vol. 53, No. 2, 127–157,
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