Publicações em Revistas Internacionais com Revisão por Pares – 2019

  1. Abreu, A.; Santos, R. (2019). A study on the feasibility of implementing a quality management system, based on the European for Quality Management (EFQM) model in a School of Engineering. Millenium – Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, No. 9 (2019): Serie 2, no. 9, 25-38. 
  1. Águas, B., Sobral, J. (2019). Development of a Risk Management Tool for Healthcare Providers. 2019 IEEE 6th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG), Lisbon, Portugal, 2019, pp. 1-4. IEEE Xplore. (WOS:000494431300096) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Albuquerque, R., Pedron, C. & Quoniam, L. (2019). Instituição de ensino superior: análise das capacidades resilientes diante das políticas de ações afirmativas. Revista de Gestão e Secretariado, 10(1): 47-72. (WOS:000466758500003) 
  1. Alves, J., Craveiro, D., Garcia, M. & Albuquerque, P. (2019). The impact of international migration on the public pension system: The case of Portugal. International Social Security Review, 72(1): 107-128. (WOS:000456748900005) 
  1. Antunes, A., Frasquilho, D., Zózimo, J.R., Silva, M., Cardoso, G., Ferrão, J., & Caldas-de-Almeida, J.M. (2019). Solutions to tackle the mental health consequences of the economic recession: A qualitative study integrating primary health care users and professionals’ perspectives. Health Policy, 123(12): 1267-1274. (WOS:000501406500014) (SCOPUS)  
  1. Antunes, A., Frasquilho, D., Zózimo, J.R., Silva, M., Cardoso, G., Ferrão, J., & Caldas-de-Almeida, J.M. (2019). Exploring socioeconomic and mental health trajectories during times of economic recession: a qualitative study with primary health care users and professionals. Journal of Mental Health. (WOS/PubMed:30862202) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Antunes, Catia and Miranda, Susana Münch (2019). Going Bust: Some Reflections on Colonial Bankruptcies. Itinerario: Journal of Imperial and Global Interactions, 43(1): 47-62. (WOS:000467101100004) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Araújo, E. & Guimarães, B. (2019). Future is but a word: Exploring the scientist’s discourses on the future and their implications. Temporalités, 28 | 2018 (Published Online: 04/2019). 
  1. Arcanjo, M. (2019). Retirement pension reforms in six European social insurance schemes between 2000 and 2017: more financial sustainability and more gender inequality?. Social Policy and Society, 18 (4): 501-515. (WOS:000512656100001) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Balle, A., Oliveira, M. & Noradi, F. (2019). What Leads to Knowledge Donation in Free Software Communities?. BASE – Revista de Administração e Contabilidade da Unisinos, 16(3): 411-431. 
  1. Balle, A., Steffen, M.O., Curado, C. & Oliveira, M. (2019). Interorganizational knowledge sharing in a science and technology park: the use of knowledge sharing mechanisms. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(10): 2016-2038. (WOS:000501896900007) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Balogh J.M., Leitão N.C. (2019). A gravity approach of agricultural trade: The nexus of the EU and African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Agricultural Economics – Czech, 65: 509-519. (WOS:000497970700003) 
  1. Barros, V. & Pádua, H. (2019). Can Green Taxation Trigger Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Acquisition? EuroMed Journal of Business, 14(2): 168-186. (WOS:000474911800006) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Barros, V., & Sarmento, J.M. (2020). Board Meeting Attendance and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from the UK. Business Perspectives and Research (Published Online: August 9, 2019), 8(1): 51-66. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Bell, R.; Khan, M.; Romeo-Velilla, M.; Stegeman, I.; Godfrey, A.; Taylor, T.; Morris, G.; Staatsen, B.; van der Vliet, N.; Kruize, H.  Anthun, K.; Lillefjell, M.; Espnes, G.; Chiabai, A.; de Jalón, S; Quiroga, S.;  Martinez-Juarez, J. ;  Máca, V.; Zvěřinová, I.; Ščasný, M.;  Marques, S.; Craveiro, D.; Westerink, J.; Spelt, A.; Karnaki, P.; Strube, R. et al. (2019). Ten Lessons for Good Practice for the INHERIT Triple Win: Health, Equity, and Environmental Sustainability. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Volume 2019, 16(22), 4546. (WOS:000502057400243) 
  1. Bento, I., Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2019). The relationship between OPM3 and Project Performance: A multiple case study. The Journal of Modern Project Management, 6(3): 47-57. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Bilro, R.G., Loureiro, S.M.C. & Guerreiro, J. (2019). Exploring online customer engagement with hospitality products and its relationship with involvement, emotional states, experience and brand advocacy. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 28(2): 147-171. (WOS:000456485900001) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Borges-Tiago, M. T., Tiago, F., & Cosme, C. (2019). Exploring users’ motivations to participate in viral communication on social media. Journal of Business Research, Volume 101, August 2019, Pages 574-582. (WOS:000473379000055) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Borges-Tiago, M., Tiago, F., Veríssimo, J. & Silva, T. (2019). A brand-new world: brand-endorsers-users fit on social media. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 472-486. (WOS:000499266600004) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Borges-Tiago, T. & Tiago, F. (2019). Social Media and Tourism: A literature review, The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 24 (2), 27-34. 
  1. Borges, M. R., Mendes, J. Z. and Pereira, A. (2019). The Value of Information: The Impact of European Union Banks Stress Tests on Stock Markets. International Advances in Economic Research, 25, 429-444. (WOS:000504188000005) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Calado, J. M. F.; Requeijo, José Gomes; Abreu, A.; Dias, Ana (2019). Management of Innovation Ecosystems Based on Six Sigma Business Scorecard. Open Engineering, 9(1): 41–51. (WOS:000464007700004) (SCOPUS) (Q3) 
  1. Cardão-Pito, T. (2019). Changes to the board of the journal. European Journal of Management Studies, 24 (1): 1-2. 
  1. Cardão-Pito, T. (2019). Editorial: Permanent Call for Book Reviews. European Journal of Management Studies, 24 (2): 50-51. 
  1. Carvalho, M., Lopes, E.L., Freire, O.B. de L. & Pedron, C.D. (2019). Falha de Serviços: Mapeamento de 10 Anos de Produção Científica. TPA – Teoria E Prática Em Administração, 9(2): 106-120. (WOS:000483258800010) 
  1. Catalão, F. P., Cruz, C. O., & Sarmento, J. M. (2019). The determinants of cost deviations and overruns in transport projects, an endogenous models approach. Transport Policy, Volume 74, February 2019, Pages 224-238. (WOS:000458709800020) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Catalão, F., Cruz, C. & Sarmento, J.M. (2019). Exogenous determinants of cost deviations and overruns in local infrastructure projects. Construction Management and Economics, 37(12): 697-711. (WOS:000497909200002) 
  1. Chagas Lopes, M. (2019). The Transition from Secondary Education to Higher Education: The Portuguese Situation. Journal of Research in Educational Sciences, 9(11): 5-12. 
  1. Cintra, L.P.; Braga, R.C.; Rapini, M.S.; Barbosa, A.C.Q., Santos, U.P. (2019). Indústria 4.0 e Transformação Digital: Uma Discussão Conceitual, sob Perspectiva Neoschumpeteriana, que Inclui Políticas de CT&I e ‘CATCH UP. E&G – Revista Economia e Gestão, 19(54): 114-132.  
  1. Coelho, M. & Mendes, Z. (2019). Digital Music and the “Death of the Long Tail”. Journal of Business Research, 101, 454-460. (WOS:000473379000040) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Coss, D.L. & Dhillon, G. (2019). Cloud privacy objectives a value based approach. Information and Computer Security, 27 (2): 189-220. (WOS:000489011500003) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Costa, C., Faria, S. & Couto, J. (2019). Human Resource Motivation and Satisfaction in the Tourism Sector. The Journal of American Business Review, Cambridge, 7(2): 17-24. 
  1. Costa, P., Ramos, H. & Pedron, C. (2019). Proposição de estrutura alternativa para tese de doutorado a partir de estudos múltiplos. Revista Ibero-Americana de Estratégia, 18(2): 155-170. 
  1. Craveiro, D., Oliveira, I., Gomes, M. Sousa, Moreira, M., Malheiros, J., & Peixoto, J. (2019). Back to replacement migration: A European perspective applying the prospective age concept. Demographic Research, Volume 40 – Article 45, pages 1323-1344. (WOS:000469846900001) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Craveiro, D.; Marques, S.; Marreiros, A.; Bell, R.; Khan, M.; Godinho, C.; Quiroga, S.; Suárez, C. (2019). Equity, Health, and Sustainability with PROVE: The Evaluation of a Portuguese Program for a Short Distance Supply Chain of Fruits and Vegetables. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 16(24), 5083. (WOS:000507312700200) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Crespo, N. (2019) Entrepreneurial universities: collaboration, education and policies. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 31(3): 265-267. 
  1. Crespo, N.F., Rodrigues, R., Samagaio, A. & Silva, G.M. (2019). The adoption of management control systems by start-ups: Internal factors and context as determinants. Journal of Business Research, Volume 101, August 2019, Pages 875-884. (WOS:000473379000089) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Cruz, C., & Sarmento, J. M. (2019). Institutional “tetris” in infrastructure regulation: Harmonizing governance, regulation and policy-making in the transport sector. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 7(1), 22-27. (WOS:000458836000003) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Curado, André; Abreu, A. (2019). Application of Lean methodologies in the reduction of setup times in the pharmaceutical industry. Milllenium journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, No. 8 (2019): Serie 2, no. 8, pp.37-52. 
  1. Curado, C. & Vieira, S. (2019). Trust, knowledge sharing and organizational commitment in SMEs. Personnel Review, 48(6): 1449-1468. (WOS:000482446100004) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Curado, C., Oliveira, M. & Antunes, M. (2019). Organizational ambidexterity and Customer Relationship Management: a Cycle of virtue. Knowledge and Process Management, 26(3), 229-243. (WOS:000479058800005) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Da Costa, L.R. & Loureiro, S.M.C. (2019). The Importance of Employees’ Engagement on the Organizational Success. Journal of Promotion Management, 25(3): 328-336. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Evans, A., Matos, P.V. & Santos, V. (2019). The state as a large-scale aggregator: statist neoliberalism and waste management in Portugal. Contemporary Politics, 25(3): 353-372. (WOS:000476561600006) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Falconi, J. (2019). Declinações: Identidades de Género e Construção da Nação em Filmes de Licínio Azevedo. Revista Perspectiva Histórica, janeiro/junho de 2019, Nº 13: 81-105. 
  1. Faria. I. (2019). Trust, Reputation and Ambiguous Freedoms: financial institutions and subversive libertarians navigating blockchain, markets, and regulation. Journal of Cultural Economy, 12(2): 119-132. (WOS:000470148300002) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Faustino, S. (2019). How metaphors matter: an ethnography of blockchain-based re-descriptions of the world. Journal of Cultural Economy, 12(6), 478-490. (WOS:000498051400002) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Felício, J.A., Caldeirinha, V. & Dutra, A. (2019). Ambidextrous capacity in small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Business Research, Volume 101, August 2019, Pages 607-614. (WOS:000473379000059) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Fernandes, J. C., & Caldeira, M. (2019). Benefits realization of an IT implementation in a Bank – a case study using BMS. European Journal of Management Studies, 24(2): 79–94. 
  1. Fernandes, N., Moro, S., Costa, C.J., & Aparício, M. (2020). Factors influencing charter flight departure delay. Research in Transportation Business & Management (Published Online: 10 December 2019), Volume 34, March 2020, 100413. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Ferreira, J. M. Carvalho (2019). Entrevista com “José Maria Carvalho Ferreira“. Verve, nº 35, PUC-SP, São Paulo, pp. 75-98. 
  1. Fontainha, E. (2019). Perspective piece on “Transfers in an Aging European Union” by Fanny A. Kluge, Joshua R. Goldstein and Tobias C. Vogt. Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 13, 55-55. (WOS:000468800600009) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Fontainha, E., & Lazzaro, E. (2019). Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurs in Financial Crises: Sailing Against the Tide?. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 66, 73-89. (WOS:000512326900006) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Galán, E. & Leandro, F. (2019). The Belt and Road Initiative: The Cornerstone of the New-Fangled Financial Institutionalism Led by China. Baltic Journal of European Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2 (27), pp. 153-182. (WOS:000495449600009) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Gallon, S., Scheffer, A.B.B., Gomes, J.F.S. & Corte, F.D. (2019). As diferenças culturais e socioeconômicas e o impacto na internacionalização empresarial: Um estudo comparativo entre duas empresas multinacionais. Desenvolvimento em Questão, 17(49): 222-246. 
  1. Garcia, I.; Faria, S. & Couto, J. (2019). The Cultural Heritage of São Miguel Island as a Valuable Tourism Product. The Journal of American Business Review, Cambridge, 7(2): 33-41.  
  1. Garzón-Cuervo, F. (2019). Cultural traits and productive transformation: Colombia in International perspective. Revista CIFE: Lecturas de Economía Social, 21(35): 105-139. 
  1. Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2019). The Challenges of the IS/IT Projects in the Healthcare Sector. International Journal of Applied Research on Public Health Management (IJARPHM), 4(1): 67-81. 
  1. Gonçalves, S., Silva, R. & Teixeira, N. (2019). Individual actors and embeddedness in business-to-business interactions. Industrial Marketing Management, 76: 181-191. (WOS:000456760800016) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Gonçalves, T. & Coelho, C. (2019). Earnings Management during Mergers and Acquisitions – European Evidence. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 102: 22-43  
  1. Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C., & Santos, T. (2019). Women on Board: Do They Manage Earnings? Empirical Evidence from European Listed Firms. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 21(3): 582-597. (WOS:000485664300010) (SCOPUS) 
  1.  Goucha Soares, A. (2019). Brexit – the 2016 referendum on European Union membership. Juridical Tribune, vol. 9, issue 3, 519-534, December 2019. (WOS:000522552600001) 
  1. Graça, J.C. & Correia, R.G. (2019), Economic and political aspects of the persisting crisis in Southern Europe, Revista de Economía Crítica, nº27, primer semestre, ISSN 2013-5254, pp. 70-85.  
  1. Graça, J.C., Caiado, J., Correia, R.G. (2019). Sociopolitical values, attitudes and behaviors of Portuguese economics students. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas (Published Online: 2019-10-16), No. 92, 111-132. (WOS/SCIELO:S0873-65292020000100006) 
  1. Gubareva, M. (2019). Excess liquidity premia of single-name CDS vs iTraxx/CDX spreads: 2007-2017. Studies in Economics and Finance. 37(1): 18-27. (WOS:000515173900002) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Gubareva, M. (2019). Weight of the Default Component of CDS Spreads: Avoiding Procyclicality in Credit Loss Provisioning Framework. Complexity, Volume 2019, Article ID 7820618, 19 pages. (WOS:000475594400001) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Guedes, M.J. & Gonçalves, V. (2019). Top managers’ characteristics as causal explanations for self-reported performance. Journal of Business Research, 101: 869-874. (WOS:000473379000088) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Guedes, M.J., Nicolaou, N. & Patel, P.C. (2019).  Genetic distance and the difference in new firm entry between countries. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 29(3): 973-1016. (WOS:000485085300007) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Guimarães, M.H., Pohl, C., Bina, O., Varanda, M. (2019).  Who is doing inter- and transdisciplinary research, and why? An empirical study of motivations, attitudes, skills, and behaviours. Futures, Volume 112, September 2019, 102441. (WOS:000483452400005) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Henriques, P., Curado, C., Jerónimo, H. & Martins, J. (2019). Facing the dark side: How leadership destroys organizational innovation. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 14(1): 18-23. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Henriques, P.L., Curado, C., Oliveira, M. & Maçada, A. (2019). Publishing? You can count on knowledge, experience, and expectations. Quality and Quantity, 53(3): 1301-1324. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Iqbal Dawar, A (2019). Transnational Ideologies, Violent Conflict, and Pashtun Social Identity. Journal of Social and Political Sciences, 2(2): 276-284. 
  1. Itani, O.S., Kassar, A.-N. & Loureiro, S.M.C. (2019). Value get, value give: The relationships among perceived value, relationship quality, customer engagement, and value consciousness. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 80, 78-90. (WOS:000473120500007) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Japutra, A., Loureiro, S.M.C., Molinillo, S. & Ekinci, Y. (2019). Traveller’s mindsets and theory of planned behaviour. Tourism Management Perspectives, 30, 193-196. (WOS:000462797100019) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Kang, J., Sobral, J. & Soares, C.G. (2019). Review of Condition-Based Maintenance Strategies for Offshore Wind Energy. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 18, pp. 1-16. (WOS:000466720400001) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Kowalewski, Daniele, Schilling, Flávia, Magalhães, Giovanna Modé, & Évora, Iolanda. (2019). MOBILIDADES CONTEMPORÂNEAS NO CONTEXTO PÓS-COLONIAL: MBEMBE, GLISSANT E MATTELART. Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política, 108: 137-156. (WOS/SCIELO:S0102-64452019000300137) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Lacerda, T. (2019). Crisis leadership in economic recession: A three-barrier approach to offset external constraints. Business Horizons, 62(2): 185-197. (WOS:000460716900007) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Leão, C. (2019). Pedagogia da Autogestão: configurando espacialidades críticas para Outras Economias. PEGADA – A Revista da Geografia do Trabalho, 20(2): 3-29. 
  1. Leite, Ana Mafalda e Vanessa Rimbau Pinheiro (2019). Da Casa ao Vácuo: a cartografia do espaço nos poemas de Hirondina Joshua e Mbate Pedro. Revista Mulemba, Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, 11(21): 175-183. 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C. (2019). Exploring the role of atmospheric cues and authentic pride on perceived authenticity assessment of museum visitors. International Journal of Tourism Research. 21(4): 413-426. (WOS:000474282600001) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C. (2019). Promoting Brand Relationships. Journal of Promotion Management, 25(3): 301-303. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C. & Jesus, S. (2019). How perceived risk and animosity towards a destination may influence destination image and intention to revisit: the case of Rio de Janeiro. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 30(4): 497-512. (WOS:000498075200002) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C. & Sarmento, E.M. (2019). Exploring the Determinants of Instagram as a Social Network for Online Consumer-Brand Relationship. Journal of Promotion Management, 25(3): 354-366. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C. & Sarmento, E.M. (2019). Place Attachment and Tourist Engagement of Major Visitor Attractions in Lisbon. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 19(3): 368–381. (WOS:000472568500008) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C., & Lopes, J. (2019). How Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives in Social Media Affect Awareness and Customer Engagement. Journal of Promotion Management, 25(3): 419-438. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C., Bilro, R.G. & Japutra, A. (2019). The effect of consumer-generated media stimuli on emotions and consumer brand engagement. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 29(3): 387-408. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C., Breazeale, M., & Radic, A. (2019). Happiness with rural experience: Exploring the role of tourist mindfulness as a moderator. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 25(3): 279–300. (WOS:000472028400001) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C., Guerreiro, J., Eloy, S., Langaro, D. & Panchapakesan, P. (2019). Understanding the use of Virtual Reality in Marketing: A text mining-based review. Journal of Business Research, 100, 514-530. (WOS:000470942500047) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C., Japutra, A., Kwun, D. (2019). Signalling Effects on Symbolic Status and Travellers’ Well-Being in the Luxury Cruise Industry. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21(5): 639-654. (WOS:000483653300006) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C., Rita, P. & Sarmento, E.M. (2019). What is the core essence of small city boutique hotels? International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14(1): 44-62. (WOS:000514477800001) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C., Romero, J., Bilro, R.G. (In Press). Stakeholder engagement in co-creation processes for innovation: a systematic literature review and case study. Journal of Business Research (Published Online 2019-10-21), 10820. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C., Roschk, H. & Lima, F. (2019). The role of background music in the visitors’ experience of art exhibitions: Music, Memory, and Art Appraisal. International Journal of Arts Management, 22(1): 4-24. (WOS:000497599500001) (SCOPUS)  
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C., Serra, J. & Guerreiro, J. (2019). How Fashion Brands Engage on Social Media: A Netnography Approach. Journal of Promotion Management, 25(3): 367-378. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Loureiro, S.M.C., Stylos, N. & Miranda, F.J. (2019). Exploring How Mindfulness May Enhance Perceived Value of Travel Experience. The Service Industries Journal (Published online 2019-04-09). (WOS:000465815400001) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Lourenço, S. (2019). Field Experiments in Managerial Accounting Research. Foundations and Trends® in Accounting, 14(1): 1-72. (SCOPUS) 
  1. Machado, N. (2019). A «primeira versão» da teoria da crise de Marx: a queda da massa de mais-valia social e o limite interno absoluto do capital. Estudos Econômicos, São Paulo, 49(1):163-203. (WOS/SCIELO:S0101-41612019000100163) 
  1. Marques, M.A. & Costa, C.J. (2019). Social CRM Analytics Challenges. Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management, 4(4), em0105. 
  1. Marques, T., Crespo, C., Menon, S.T., Gomes, J.F.S., & Gilmartin, S.R. (2019). Culture and Love of Money: Evidence from the Iberian Peninsula and U.S. Hispanic Residents. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 41(4): 550-571. (WOS:000491471100001) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Marques, T., Ferreira, M.P. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2019). Understanding cheating behaviours: Proactive and reactive intentions. Ethics and Education, 14(4): 415-429. (WOS:000487048500001) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Marques, T., Reis, N. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2019). A bibliometric study on academic dishonesty research. Journal of Academic Ethics, 17(2): 169-191. (WOS:000469007100003) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Marsilio, C. (2019). Exchange fairs and the International credit market. The Genoese financial operators’ professional skills (XVII century). Storia Economica XXII (2019) 2, 273-290. 
  1. Martínez‐Galán, E., Fontoura, M.P. (2019). Global Value Chains and Inward Foreign Direct Investment in the 2000s. The World Economy, 42(1): 175-196. (WOS:000457470900009) 
  1. Mascarenhas, A.O. Barbosa, A.C.Q. (2019). Gestão de recursos humanos sustentável e responsabilidade socioambiental: Uma agenda para debates. RAE-Revista de Administracao de Empresas, 59(5): 353-364. (WOS:000496728600005) 
  1. Matias, J.C.O.; Santos, R.; Abreu, A. (2019). A Decision Support Approach to Provide Sustainable Solutions to the Consumer, by Using Electrical Appliances. Sustainability, 11(4), 1143. (WOS:000460819100203) (SCOPUS) (Q2) 
  1. Matos, P.V., Romão, M., Sarmento, J.M., & Abaladas, A. (2019). The adoption of project management methodologies and tools by NGDOs: A mixed methods perspective. Journal of Business Research, 101, 651-659. (WOS:000473379000063) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Medina-Molina, C., Rey-Moreno, M., Felício, J.A., & Paguillo, I.R. (2019). Participation in crowdfunding among users of collaborative platforms: the role of innovativeness and social capital. Review of Managerial Science, 13(3): 529-543. (WOS:000468214100002) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Mendes, Maria Manuela, Olga Magano & Pedro Candeias (2019) Des-homogeneizar os Ciganos Portugueses: perfis sociais e heterogeneidade sócio-cultural. OBETS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 14(1):49-87. (WOS:000473341400002) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Miranda, Susana Münch (2019). Risk and Failure in Tax Farming: De Bruijn & Cloots of Lisbon and the Portuguese Tobacco Monopoly, 1722-1727. Itinerario: Journal of Imperial and Global Interactions, 43(1):122-145. (WOS:000467101100008) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Moita, G., Barbosa, A.C.Q. & Reis Raposo, V. (2019). Quality Saúde – uma adaptação transcultural multicêntrica dos constructos da escala Servqual de satisfação para o SUS, por translação de conhecimento de especialistas e usuários. Revista Do Serviço Público, 70(2): 325-364. 
  1. Moita, G., Reis Raposo, V. & Barbosa, A.C.Q. (2019). Validação colaborativa de macrodimensões e indicadores-chave para avaliação de performance de serviços de saúde no Brasil. Saúde em Debate, 43(5): 232-247. (WOS/SCIELO:S0103-11042019000900232) 
  1. Morais, A.I. & Pinto, I. (2019). Pension Plans Assumptions: The Case of Discount Rate. Accounting Research Journal, 32(1): 36-49. (WOS:000475369100004) (SCOPUS) 
  1. Mota, J. & Castro, L. (2019). Embedding of a new business as a cumulative process of combining different but complementary types of projects: The case of a project-based firm. Industrial Marketing Management, 80: 188-200. (WOS:000480512000017) (SCOPUS) 
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