IPE, 13rd-15th September 2017
Theme: The Political Economy of Inequalities and Instabilities in the 21st Century
IIPPE, CPERN and IPE call for general submissions for the Conference but particularly welcome those on its core themes of inequalities and instabilities, which will be the focus for the plenary sessions. Proposals for presentations will, however, be considered on all aspects of political economy. New participants committed to political economy, interdisciplinarity, history of economic thought, critique of mainstream economics, and/or their application to policy analysis and activism are encouraged to submit an abstract.
Submissions may be made as (a) proposals for individual papers (b) proposals for panels (c) proposals for streams of panels (d) proposals on activism. CPERN is looking particularly for papers and panels on the themes of inequality and instability in the areas of critical global political economy, as explained further in the Electronic Proposal Form.
To submit a proposal, please go to the following Electronic Proposal Form, and follow the instructions carefully.
The deadline for proposals is April 8th, 2017. All other deadline dates are stated in the Electronic Proposal Form.
For general information about IIPPE, its Working Groups, and the Conference, click here (http://iippe.org/wp/). For general information about CPERN, click here (https://criticalpoliticaleconomy.net/). For general information about IPE, (http://www.ipe-berlin.org/).
We look forward to an outstanding IIPPE/CPERN/IPE Conference in Berlin.
The Conference Organising Committee,
Al Campbell, Trevor Evans, Niels Hahn, Phoebe Moore, Alfredo Saad Filho
International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE)
Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN)
Berlin School of Economics and Law (IPE)
Find further information here.