De autoria de Niccolò Giacchetta e Eunice Castro Seixas, acaba de sair no Lo Squaderno nº 59: “Beyond urban violence” o novo artigo “Aliens in the space. Violence and interactions between inhabitants and outsiders in a stigmatized neighborhood in the periphery of Lisbon” (pp. 61-66).
O presente artigo faz uma análise sociológica da violência no bairro da Jamaica.
This paper aims to discuss how various types of violence are at play in a stigmatized neighborhood in the periphery of Lisbon. Through the lenses of several critical, including post-colonial and decolonial authors, we read the data here succinctly described, that was collected and analyzed for the Masters’ thesis of the first author (Giacchetta, 2020). The thesis analyzes several neighborhoods in the periphery of Lisbon Metropolitan Area, which were built mostly in the 1970s, by populations moving to the city from rural regions and former Portuguese colonies (Abrantes, 2011). In particular some neighborhoods have become stigmatized places, inhabited mostly by precarious workers of African origin, where the construction of informal settlements and the occupation of private dwellings has resulted in poor housing conditions (Viegas, 2017). In this paper we focus on one of those neighborhoods, Jamaica, in the city of Seixal, as a case-study of territorial stigmatization, thus a place with a negative public image, wherein specific populations are relegated, becoming “urban outcasts” (Wacquant, 2008).
Niccolò Giacchetta & Eunice Castro Seixas