Portugal ran from 1500 to 1797, without major upheavals, a system of public debt with low and decreasing nominal interest rates at issuance. Despite these features, this experience attracted little research in either national or international circles. The FCT-funded research project Sovereign debt and private credit in Portugal – 1500-1797 conducted at the GHES-CSG (Centre for Economic and Social History – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon) was designed to fill this major gap in European financial history. The project is aimed at both reconstructing the key variables (debt stocks, debt ratios to GDP and tax revenues, debt management) and observing the performance of the debt service via the account books of some of the main holders of debts instruments.
This webinar, which will be hosted by the GHES-CSG, intends to look at the comparative background to the Portuguese case and discuss preliminary findings of the project with specialists. Participants are expected to present their recent research on the issues approached in the project.
With the participation of renowned international academics, Professor Emerito Larry Neal (University of Illionois at Urbana-Champaing) and Rui Pedro Esteves (Graduate Institute and Development Studies, Genebra).
To participate follow the Zoom link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/81520870410?
Meeting ID: 815 2087 0410
Passcode: 642547