- Casaca, Sara Falcão and Lortie Johanne (2017). Handbook Gender and Organizational Change. International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization, Turin – Italy, 117 pp. ISBN 978-92-9049-808-7.
- Falconi, J. Forthcoming (eds. A.M.Leite, C.T.R.Secco, J.Falconi, S. Khan e K.Krakowska) Written and Visual Narratives of the Post-colonial Nation. Bern: Peter Lang.
- Galán, E. Martínez-Galán, E; 2017; A contribution to evaluate the impact of Global Value Chains, Lambert Academic Publishing, New York
- Isaias, P. & Carvalho, L. (2017). User Innovation and the Entrepreneurship Phenomenon in the Digital Economy. IGI Global. EISBN13: 9781522528272
- Issa, T., Isaias, P., & Issa, T. (2017). Sustainability, Green IT and Education Strategies in the 21st Century. New York: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-57070-9.
- Issa, T., Kommers, P., Isssa, T., Isaias, P., & Issa, T. (2017). Smart Technology Applications in Business: Global Perspectives. IGI Global. EISBN13: 9781522524939
- Mendes, I., Borges, M.R., Coelho, M. & Mendes, Z. (Coord.) (2017). Annals of Applied Economics – Anais de Economia Aplicada, ASEPELT 2017, Number XXXI, Real Economy and Finance – Economia Real e Finanças. SOCIUS, ISEG, ASEPELT. ISBN: 978-989-96593-5-3.
- Sangreman, C. Carlos Sangreman (2017). Observando direitos na Guiné – Bissau – Educação, Saúde, Habitação, Água, Energia, Saneamento, Justiça e Meios de Subsistência”, Edição Liga dos Direitos Humanos na Guiné Bissau, ACEP e CESA, Lisboa e Bissau, 120pp.
- Sangreman, C. Carlos Sangreman, Fernando Carvalho, Raquel Faria, Tânia Santos, Sandra Silva, Carlos Lopes, João Monteiro, Ana Bénard da Costa e Pedro Fraga (2017). The cluster as a theoretical and practical tool for Portuguese international cooperation for development”, the case of Mozambique, East Timor, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Angola”, e-book, CESA e FCT, Lisboa, pp. 1-200.
- Afonso, C. & Brites, R. (2017), Potentialities of the Qualitative Analysis Assisted by Computer: An Exploratory Study About Content Value Perception in TripAdvisor, Chapter in book Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, in book: Computer Supported Qualitative Research, Sringer edition, 71-79. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61121-1_6
- Afonso, C., Gavilan, D., Gonçalves, H. & García-Mandariaga, J. (2017), Green Consumer Segmentation: Managerial and Environmental Implications from the Perspective of Business Strategies and Practices, chapter in book Sustainability in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 137-151. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57318-2_9
- Branco, A. “Branco, Amélia; Gomes, Ester (2017), “”Growth, Institutional Change and Inovation, 1820-1930″” in Freire, Dulce; Lains, Pedro (Eds), An Agricultural History of Portugal. Economic Development on the European Frontier, 1000-2000, Leiden: Brill, pp. 219- 244.
- Cardao-Pito, T. (2017). “Are they all the same? Banking and financial crises in debt- ridden Euroarea countries”. in Rajmund Mirdala, Rosaria Rita Canale (Editors), (2017). ” Economic Imbalances and Institutional Changes to the Euro and the European Union”. Emerald, pp. 305-331.
- Casaca, Sara Falcão (2017). “Women on boards in Portugal – the slow progress of the normative framework”, in Seierstad, Cathrine; Gabaldon, Patricia; Mensi-Klarbach, Heike (eds), Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: European Perspectives on Increasing Female Representation, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp: 45-74.
- Casaca, Sara Falcão and Perista, Heloísa (2017). “Older workers in Portugal: a gender sensitive approach”, in Léime, A; Krekula, C.; Street, D; Vickerstaff, S.; Loretto, W. (eds), Gender, Ageing and Extended Working Life, London: Policy Press, pp: 137-156.
- Coelho, M. (2017). “Management and control of hunting resources: the Portuguese case”, in Mendes, I., Borges, M.R., Coelho, M. & Mendes, Z. (Coord.) (2017). Annals of Applied Economics – Anais de Economia Aplicada, ASEPELT 2017, Number XXXI, Real Economy and Finance – Economia Real e Finanças. SOCIUS, ISEG, ASEPELT. ISBN: 978-989-96593-5-3. pp. 389-398.
- Coelho, M. (2017). Climate Change and Strategic Social Responsibility Positioning of Multinational Enterprises in the Finance Sector”, in McIntyre, J., Ivanaj, S, Ivanaj, V. & Kar, R. (Edts.), Climate Change Implications for Multinational enterprises’ corporate social responsibility; Business not-as-usual, New Horizons In International Business, EE- Edward Elgar, Forthcoming.
- Coelho, M. PIRES, A. & COELHO, M. (2017), “Fisheries producers organizations in Portugal: experiencing “co-management”?”, in Mendes, I., Borges, M.R., Coelho, M. & Mendes, Z. (Coord.) (2017). Annals of Applied Economics – Anais de Economia Aplicada, ASEPELT 2017, Number XXXI, Real Economy and Finance – Economia Real e Finanças. SOCIUS, ISEG, ASEPELT. ISBN: 978-989-96593-5-3. pp.378-388.
- Coelho, M. SILVA, A., FERREIRA, M., FILIPE; J. & COELHO, M. (2016/2017), “The Portuguese Tourism Market: A Model”, in Rontos, K. , Filipe, J. & Tsartas, P. (Eds.), Modeling and New Trends in Tourism: A Contribution to Social and Economic Development, Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing Studies, Nova Publishers, USA (SCOPUS)
- Cunha, N., Loureiro, S.M.C., & Sarmento, E.M. (2018). Social partner characteristics as facilitators of the wine co-creation experiences. In Marianna Sigala & Richard Robinson (eds.). Managing and marketing wine tourism and destinations: theory and cases (forthcoming). Palgrave: Basingstoke
- Dentinho, Tomaz; Joaquim Ramos Silva (2017). Causes and Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in South Asia. In Sumana Bandyopadhyay, André Torre, Paulo Casaca, Tomaz Dentinho, (Eds), Regional Cooperation in South Asia. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 31-45. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56747-1_3
- Duarte, P. (2017): “China in the Hearland: The One Belt One Road challenges and opportunities for Central Asia”. [to be published by September 2017 in a peer-reviewed e-book as part of the Central Asia Program]. Remark: This publication was the subject of a special distinction and funding that the author received from NAC-NU Central Asia Studies Program (George Washington University). The author was invited to present the conclusions of his study at a workshop in Astana, Nazarbaev University.
- Duarte, Paulo (2017). “Changes in the World Power: The United States within the New Balance of Power”, pp. 2-23, in Eurasian Economies in Transition, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, edited by Gencer, A.; Sözen, I. & Sari, S.
- Évora, I. “Does Black Studies matter in Portugal? Assumptions on research agenda and social activism”, In: Mazzocchetti, N. (et al. ) Black Studies in Europe. A Transnational Dialogue, Université Libres de Bruxelles, Bruxelas.
- Évora, I. Évora, I. (2017) “L`ambition épsitemologique. Mobilités, migrations, diaspora et la construction de nouvelles catégories dans le champ migratoire capverdien”. In Pierre-Joseph Laurent (ed.) Migrations, famille et politiques publiques des pays d’accueils. Etudes comparées des migrations capverdiennes en Europe et aux USA, Louvain-la-Neuve, UCL(forthcoming december)
- Évora, I. Évora, I. (2017) “Entre mitos e equívocos. Classificações e representações sobre migrações africanas”. In. João Feijó (ed.)) Novas dinâmicas económicas, movimentos migratórios e relações rural-urbano em Moçambique, Maputo: Alcance Ed. (forthcoming, december)
- Falconi, J. Forthcoming (co-authored with Ana Mafalda Leite) “Island of Mozambique: narratives from a contact zone”, in Filipa Prata and Doris Wieser (eds.) Lusophone cities. Bern: Peter Lang.
- Ferreira, J.M.C. (2017). “Os Direitos Humanos como fenómeno de expiação histórica da civilização judaico-cristã”. In Fernando Bomfim Mariana, Fábio Teixeira Pitta, Lúcia Emília N. B. Bruno, Rodrigo Rosa da Silva (Orgs.). Terrorismo de Estado, direitos humanos e movimentos sociais. São Paulo/SP, Editora Entremares, 2017. 264 p. ISBN 978-85-93890-01-7.
- Frias, S. (2017). Mulheres em contextos subsarianos. Breve nota sobre os seus mundos e as suas circunstâncias, in Falar de Mulheres. Dez anos depois. No Centenário do Conselho Nacional das Mulheres Portuguesas. N. de Famalicão, Húmus, pp. 233-244 (ISBN: 978-989-755-245-8)
- GASPAR, Marisa C. In print (2017). “O Chá Gordo está servido! Identidade e Património Macaense” [Fat Tea is served! Macanese identity and heritage], in O Macaense: Identidade, Cultura e Quotidiano, edited by the University of Saint Joseph, International Institute of Macau, and CEPCEP-Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
- Gomes, J. V., & Romão, M. (2017). “Aligning Information Systems and Technology with Benefit Management and Balanced Scorecard”. In S. De Haes, & W. Van Grembergen (eds.) Strategic IT Governance and Alignment in Business Settings. pp. 112-131. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI:10.4018/978-1-5225-0861-8.ch005.
- Gomes, J.V. & Romão, M. (2017). “Balanced Scorecard: Today’s Challenges”. In: Rocha Á., Correia A., Adeli H., Reis L., Costanzo S. (eds) Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. Vol. 1, pp 648-657. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 569. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56535-4_64.
- Gomes, J.V. & Romão, M. (2017). “Enhancing Organisational Maturity with Benefits Management”. In Information Resources Management Association (Eds.), Project Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, chapter 83, pp. 1689-1703. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0196-1.ch083.
- Gomes, J.V. & Romão, M. (2018). “Information Systems and Technology Projects in Healthcare Organisations”. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology 4th Edition, chapter 326. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. p. 3756- 3766. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2255-3.ch326.
- Gomes, J.V. & Romão, M. (2018). “Sustainable Competitive Advantage with the Balanced Scorecard approach”. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th Edition, chapter 496. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. p. 5714 – 5725. DOI:10.4018/978-1-5225-2255-3.ch496.
- GONCALVES, T. N. R. ; BOCCHETTI, A. ; VALENTIM, Igor Vinicius Lima; 2017; Desviar das formas para caminhar na docência: modos colaborativos de interromper uma lógica formativa; Ensino de didática: entre ressignificações e possibilidades; Giseli Barreto da Cruz; Ana Teresa de Carvalho Correa de Oliveira; Maria das Graças Chagas de Arruda Nascimento (Orgs.). Curitiba, Brazil: CRV; p. 139-156.
- Graça, João Carlos & Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). “Liberia”. In Head, D. (2017). Encyclopedia of the Atlantic World, 1400–1900: Europe, Africa, and the Americas in An Age of Exploration, Trade, and Empires [2 volumes], Santa Barbara, California, pp. 369-371.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Revisão e re-submissão. “Capitalism”, The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society, SAGE Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Revisão e re-submissão. “History and Economics of Journalism”, The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society, SAGE Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Revisão e re-submissão. “Impartiality”, The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society, SAGE Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California. Em co-autoria com João Carlos Graça.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Revisão e re-submissão. “Spiral of Silence”, The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society, SAGE Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California. Em co-autoria com João Carlos Graça.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Revisão e re-submissão. “Uses and Gratifications Theory”, The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society, SAGE Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California. Em co-autoria com João Carlos Graça.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Submissão “Artificial insemination”, Inventions and Technology in World History: An Encyclopedia of Technological Developments from Prehistory to the Space Age, ABCCLIO, Inc., Santa Barbara, California. Em co-autoria com João Carlos Graça.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Submissão “Daniel Bernouli”, Inventions and Technology in World History: An Encyclopedia of Technological Developments from Prehistory to the Space Age, ABCCLIO, Inc., Santa Barbara, California. Em co-autoria com João Carlos Graça.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Submissão “Macadam”, Inventions and Technology in World History: An Encyclopedia of Technological Developments from Prehistory to the Space Age, ABCCLIO, Inc., Santa Barbara, California. Em co-autoria com João Carlos Graça.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Submissão “Metronome”, Inventions and Technology in World History: An Encyclopedia of Technological Developments from Prehistory to the Space Age, ABCCLIO, Inc., Santa Barbara, California. Em co-autoria com João Carlos Graça.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Submissão “Personal computer”, Inventions and Technology in World History: An Encyclopedia of Technological Developments from Prehistory to the Space Age, ABCCLIO, Inc., Santa Barbara, California. Em co-autoria com João Carlos Graça.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Submissão “Spinning mule”, Inventions and Technology in World History: An Encyclopedia of Technological Developments from Prehistory to the Space Age, ABCCLIO, Inc., Santa Barbara, California. Em co-autoria com João Carlos Graça.
- Graça, João Carlos; Correia, Rita Gomes (2017). Submissão “Stethoscope”, Inventions and Technology in World History: An Encyclopedia of Technological Developments from Prehistory to the Space Age, ABCCLIO, Inc., Santa Barbara, California. Em co-autoria com João Carlos Graça.
- Gregorio, T. I. & Isaias, P. (2017). CRM 2.0 and Mobile CRM: a framework proposal and study in European recruitment agencies. In Tomayess Issa, Piet Kommers, Theodora Issa, Pedro Isaias and Touma Issa (Ed.), Smart Technology Applications in Business Environments (pp. 322-342) Hershey, PA, United States: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2492-2.ch015
- Gubareva, M., Gomes, O., Piteira, M., Correia, A., Proença, C., Guevara, N., & Quinter, J. (2017). The Methodology and Implementation of a Knowledge Management System in the Economic Area of a High Polytechnic School: Case Study LABS. In A. Tavidze (Eds.), Progress in Economics Research, vol. 37 (Pp. 185-214). Nova Science Publishers: New York. ISBN 978-1-536-10-955-9 ISSN 1549-1552 (SCOPUS Indexed)
- Henriques, I. “Os Africanos em Portugal: integração e africanidade (séculos XV-XIX)”, in História Geral da África, volume 9, Paris, UNESCO (no prelo); “ “Modalidades da ‘escravatura’ no centro-sul de África (séculos XVIII-XIX)”, in História Geral da África, volume 9, Paris, UNESCO (no prelo).
- Iglésias, O. Neves, Olga Maria Lopes serrão Iglésias. 2017. O Movimento Associativo Africano em Moçambique. Tradição e Luta (1926-1962). 1 Vol. Novas Edições Acadêmicas/ OmniScriptum Group. Beau Bassin (Mauritius). 309 p.
- Lopes, Daniel S. 2017. “Libor and Euribor: From normal banking practice to manipulation to the potential for reform”. In The Routledge Companion to Banking Regulation and Reform, ed. Ismail Erturk & Daniela Gabor, Oxon, Routledge, pp. 225-239. ISBN: 978-0-415-85593-8.
- Loureiro, S.M.C. & Bilro, R.G. (2017). Be or not Be Online Engaged: Exploring the Flow from Stimuli to e-wom on Online Retail Consumers. In Mário Rodrigues and Marlene Amorim (eds.). Exploring the Power of Electronic Word-of-Mouth in the Services Industry (forthcoming) IGI Global: Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA
- Loureiro, S.M.C. (2017). Consumption and well-being: collecting experiences rather than material possessions. In Hans-Ruediger Kaufmann and Mohammad Fateh Ali Khan Panni (eds.). Socio-economic Perspectives on Consumer Engagement and Buying Behavior, chapter 12 (section 4: Consumer Behavior and Engagement: Industry and Corporate Cases) (pp. 247-277) IGI Global: Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN13: 9781522521396|ISBN10: 1522521399|EISBN13: 9781522521402| doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2139-6
- Loureiro, S.M.C. (2017). Fashion Luxury Brands: Bridging the Gaps between Cutting-Edge Fashion and Corporate Social Responsibility Concerns. In Tsan-Ming Choi and Bin Shen (eds.). Luxury Fashion Retail Management, chapter 11-part III (pp. 185-198). Springer: Malaysia doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-2976-9_11 Print ISBN: 978-981-10-2974-5 Online ISBN: 978-981-10-2976-9
- Loureiro, S.M.C. and Amorim, M. (2017). Customers’ online interaction experiences with fashion brands: e-information and e-buying. E-Business-State of the Art of ICT Based Challenges and Solutions, chapter 5 (pp. 81-97). InTech: Rijeka ISBN 978-953-51-4972-9. ISBN 978-953-51-4972-9. Print ISBN 978-953-51-2883-0. doi: 10.5772/66619
- Loureiro, S.M.C., & Guerreiro, J. (2018). Psychological behavior of generation Y: living between real and virtual reality. In Megan Gerhardt and Joy VanEck Peluchette (ed.)., Millennials: Characteristics, Trends and Perspectives (forthcoming). NOVA science publishers, Inc: New-York, USA
- Loureiro, S.M.C., & Panchapakesan, P. (2016). How to achieve subjective well-being through medical tourism: the engagement process through credibility, desire and experience. In Alexandra M. Columbus (eds.) Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 120, chapter 4 (pp. 1-25). NOVA science publishers, Inc: New-York, USA. ISBN: 978-1-53610-577-3.
- Loureiro, S.M.C., & Sarmento, E. M. (2017). Relationship Marketing on Social Software Platforms. In Saurabh Kumar Dixit (ed.). Handbook of Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism, Chapter 30 (section 4 consumer Loyalty Outlook) (pp. 1-16). Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge – Taylor and Francis Group Publishing eISBN: 9781315659657; ISBN-10: 1138961671; ISBN-13: 978-1138961678.
- Loureiro, S.M.C., & Sarmento, E. M. (2017). The impact of generation y’s customer experience on emotions: online banking sector. In Alla Kravets, Maxim Shcherbakov, Marina Kultsova, and Peter Groumpos (Eds.). Creativity in Intelligent Technologies and Data Science (Communications in Computer and Information Science), chapter 45 (pp.616-639). Springer: Berlin. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-65551-2_45. ISBN-13: 978-3319655505. ISBN-10: 3319655507
- Loureiro, S.M.C., & Sarmento, E. M. (2018). Social Media in Gastronomic Tourism: Tourists’ lifestyle and foodservice tendencies in social media. In Saurabh Kumar Dixit (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Gastronomic Tourism (forthcoming). Routledge: Abingdon, Oxford
- Loureiro, S.M.C., Panchapakesan, P., & Doignon, D. (2018). Corporate Social Responsible Luxury: Reality or Fad?. In Charles Richard Baker (ed.), Corporate Social Responsibility. (forthcoming). NOVA science publishers, Inc: New-York, USA
- Magrinho, André; Joana Neves, Joaquim Ramos Silva (2017). The Triple Helix Model: Evidence in the Internationalization of the Health Industry. In Luísa Cagica de Carvalho (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Development and Innovation within Smart Cities. New York: IGI Global, pp. 68-88. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1978-2.ch004
- Marsilio, C. (2017) A ‘workless Paradise’. The Genoese Exchange fairs (16th-17th centuries), paper presented an the International Conference Histoire de l’économie sans travail. Finances, investissements et spéculation de l’Antiquité à nos jours, 8-1010 June 2017, Florence (Italy).
- Marsilio, C. “(2017) Before the ‘Financial Revolution’. The Genoese case: instruments and institutions (XVII c.), paper presented at Money, Power and Print: An Interdisciplinary Colloquium on the Financial Revolution, Siegen (Germany), June 2018.
- Marsilio, C. (2017) ‘Better lose than waste your money’, Exchange rates and Spanish Asientos: New evidences from Genoese bankers’ archives (1620s-1660s), paper presented at the International Conference “Kaufmannbankiers und Herrscherfinanzen. Zwischen Diversifizierung von Märkten und Prozessen der Staatsbildung (14.-18. Jahrhundert)“, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 8– 9 December 2017, Bamberg (Germany).
- Marsilio, C. (2017) Le fiere di cambio del XVI-XVII secolo: Medina del Campo un “caso a parte”, in H. Casado Alonso (ed.), Simón Ruiz y el mundo de los negócios en Europa en los siglos XVI-XVII, Valladolid, 2017, pp. 219-235.
- Marques, R. (2017). Complexidade e Problemas sociais: desafios para a Guiné-Bissau. In: Vários (Eds.) Governação Integrada na Guiné Bissau – olhares sobre os problemas sociais complexos, Lisboa: Instituto Padre António Vieira, pp. 11-31.
- Neves, J.C. & Gonçalves, V. (2017), “Higher Education in Management: the Case of Portugal” in The Future of Management Education., Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, vol. 1, pp. 311-329.
- Portella, M. C. (2017). Republicanism and Nationalism in Angola in Late Nineteenth Century. In: Garcia, J. L.; Kaul, C.; Subtil, F. e Santos, A. (ed). Media and Portuguese Empire. Palgrave Macmillan: 107-123. ISBN: 978-3-319-61791-6 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61792-3
- Santos, A. C. (2017). “Cooperação, transparência e troca de informações fiscais: estratégia da aranha ou declaração de boas intenções?” in Jiménez, C., Novoa, C. Garcia & J. Fernandèz C. (org.), Nueva fiscalidad, Estudios en homenaje a Jacques Malherbe, Bogotà: Instituto Colombiano de Derecho Tributario, 2017, pp. 107-148 (artigo elaborado a convite dos organizadores)
- Sobral, J. and Guedes Soares, C. (2017). “Physical safety barriers behaviour based on RAM analysis using DEMATEL method”. in Marko Čepin & Radim Briš (eds). Safety & Reliability – Theory and Applications. CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, ISBN 978-1-138-62937-0.
- Vale, R. & Matos, P.V. (2017) “Is it Worth Adding a Celebrity? The Importance of Brand Familiarity and Celebrity- Product Congruency Across NBs and PLs”, in Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing- Fourth International Conference 2017, eds. Martinez-Lopez, F.J., Gázquez-Abad, J.C., Ailawadi, K.L. and Yague-Guillen, M.J., p. 35-42, Springer International Publishing AG 2017 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59701-0), 2017.
- VALENTIM, Igor Vinicius Lima. 2017; Academic Pimping: Is Anyone Afraid of Researching Academic Relationships?; Doing Autoethnography; Sandra L. Pensoneau-Conway; Tony E. Adams; Derek M. Bolen. (Orgs.). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, p. 173-184.
(A aguardar publicação)
- Duarte, Paulo (2018). “Central Asia’s role in China’s Energy Security: challenges and opportunities,” Chapter proposal accepted for the upcoming book, “Economic Dynamics of Global Energy Geopolitics”. IGI Global.
- Duarte, Paulo (2018). “China’s momentum: the One Belt One Road triple’s securitisation”. In Xing, Li (ed). Mapping China’ One Belt One Road Initiative. Palgrave Macmillan [to be released in 2018].
- Duarte, Paulo (2018). “Conclusion of the monograph written together with Li Xing”. In Xing, Li (ed). Mapping China’ One Belt One Road Initiative. Palgrave Macmillan [to be released in 2018].
- Duarte, Paulo (2018). “Whose Silk Road? Discussing China, U.S., European Union and Russia’s economic projects for regional integration in Central Asia”. In Mendes, Carmen (ed). The New Silk Road in the Context of East Asian Relations and Wider International Implications. Routledge [to be released in 2018].
- Marsilio, C. (2017) The Genoese financial operators’ professional skill under the spotlight. Exchange fairs, Spanish public debt, and International credit market (XVII century), in M. A. Denzel – W. Roberds (eds.), Central banks and their role in financial and economic crises, Proceedings of the XVII World Economic History Congress (Kyoto, Japan, 3-7 August 2015), (forthcoming 2017).
- Marsilio, C. (2017) The Italian exchange fairs and the International Payment system (XVI-XVII centuries), in M. A. Denzel (ed.), International Fairs in Past and Present, Leipzig (Germany), (forthcoming 2017).
- Soares, A. G. Portugal under Troika: Years of Lead’, in S. Lloyd-Jones et al., Portugal and the EU after the crisis, Oxford: Taylor and Francis, 2017 (forthcoming)