18 OCT 2018 | Cycle of Books of Our Time | The Economy of the Common Good by Christian Felber


In the scope of the 4th Edition of the Cycle of Books of Our Time, will take place on October 18, from 3 pm to 4 pm, at ISEG (Auditorium 2, Quelhas, nº6, Lisbon) the presentation of the book The Economy of the Common Good by Christian Felber, by Professor Pedro Verga Matos.


There are more and more people aware that we are not experiencing an isolated economic or financial crisis. Part of the problem is speculative economic bubbles, unemployment, inequality, climate change, poverty, the crisis of values and, above all, the crisis of democracy, symptoms of a generalized crisis in the economic system. The rulers affirm that “there is no alternative”. However, Christian Felber demonstrates that there are alternatives to the current economic and financial system.
There is something that works beyond capitalism and communism: The Common Good Economy, the alternative model of ethical market economics that has been attracting huge interest worldwide. In this revolutionary book we explain in detail the main values on which this model is based – human dignity, solidarity, ecological sustainability, social justice and democracy.


About the author:

Christian Felber studied Hispanic Philology, Psychology and Political Science in Madrid and Vienna. Since 2008, he is associate professor at the University of Economics in Vienna, where he lives. Contemporary dance dancer and author of several bestsellers, he was the founder of the project Bank for the Common Good and the international movement of the Economy of the Common Good. The Economy of Common Good, its best-selling book, has already been translated into about ten countries.


Free entrance. Registration here

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