Outras Publicações Internacionais – 2021

  1. Barslund, M., Van den Bosch, K., Dekkers, G., Hoorens, V., Baumann, N., Liégeois, P., Kirn, T., Kumpf, N., Moreira. A., Stropnikf, N. & Vergnat, V. (2021). The future of Gender Pension Gaps. Main findings from the MIGAPE project. MIGAPE – MInd the GAp in Pensions (http://www.migape.eu/index.html) is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union (2014-2020) via Grant Agreement no. 820798. http://www.migape.eu/pubs/MIGAPE%20The%20future%20of%20Gender%20Pension%20Gaps.pdf

  2. Bento, Sofia (2021). O lado invisível da água (2021). Vídeo documental: https://vimeo.com/541411407/d69c5605a2 – Vanessa Fernandes & Ivo Reis (Realizadores). Projeto AgoraRisk – AGORARISK – Dialogue sur les risques et l’environnement à Estarreja (https://www.agorarisk.com/). Research Team: Sofia Bento, Teresa Melo & Lúcia Fernandes.

  3. Bulakh E.A. & Ryauzova O.U. (2021). Potential of Virtual Excursions in Teaching Students in the Classroom on RLF. Art Pedagogy. № 3, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education” Publishing House, eISSN 1997-4558, Moscow, Russia, pp. 79-88.

  4. Castro Henriques, I. (2021). Manuel Viegas Guerreiro – Ovakwankala (Bochimanes) e Ovakwanyama (Bantos): aspectos do seu convívio. Uma interpretação histórica. Newsletter Fundação Manuel Viegas Guerreiro, No. 27 (Julho-Setembro 2021), pp. 10-16. https://issuu.com/fundacaomanuelviegasguerreiro/docs/n27_jul-set_2021

  5. Dias Sardinha, I. (2021). Teaching toolkit to teach local and sustainable food systems (LSFS) intended for teachers and trainers in agricultural technical education. (Tool in English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Slovenian and German). Tool in interactive form (Genially). Team EducLocalFOOD project, 2021. https://www.educlocalfood.eu/pages/toolkit-1.html

  6. Duarte, P. & Vitorino, P. (2021). Kazakstan forging own path of development under new presidency. OCA Magazine, 42: 10-12. Open Central Asia Magazine, pp.10-12. https://issuu.com/hertspress/docs/oca_42_mailing_copy

  7. Falconi, J. (2021). Resenha de “Janela Para O Índico. Poesia Incompleta (1984-2019)”, De Ana Mafalda Leite (Lisboa: Rosa de Porcelana, 2020). Caderno Seminal, 38: 418-443. https://doi.org/10.12957/seminal.2021.61447

  8. Ferreira, J.M.C. (2021). Vídeo. Seminário Internacional Contingências da Pandemia Gerada pelo Covid-19 nas Sociedades Contemporâneas. SOCIUS, 18, 19, 22 e 23 de Fevereiro de 2021. Tema 1: Pandemia: Educação e Aprendizagem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUPUMdABY7c

  9. Ferreira, J.M.C. (2021). Vídeo. Seminário Internacional Contingências da Pandemia Gerada pelo Covid-19 nas Sociedades Contemporâneas. SOCIUS, 18, 19, 22 e 23 de Fevereiro de 2021. Tema 2: Pandemia, Trabalho e TIC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKP7xle34-g

  10. Ferreira, J.M.C. (2021). Vídeo. Seminário Internacional Contingências da Pandemia Gerada pelo Covid-19 nas Sociedades Contemporâneas. SOCIUS, 18, 19, 22 e 23 de Fevereiro de 2021. Tema 3: A pandemia perante o biológico, o social e o virtual. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TAaxyKF44A

  11. Ferreira, J.M.C. (2021). Vídeo. Seminário Internacional Contingências da Pandemia Gerada pelo Covid-19 nas Sociedades Contemporâneas. SOCIUS, 18, 19, 22 e 23 de Fevereiro de 2021. Tema 4: Pandemia, crise económica, social e política. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuH0ZcdYDsY

  12. Gaspar, M.C. (2021). A Identidade como Recurso Criativo dos Macaenses [Identity as a Creative Resource of the Macanese]. Daxiyangguo – Portuguese Journal of Asian Studies 25, dossier temático: Identidade Macaense – Que Futuro? Orient Institute, School of Social and Political Sciences, Universidade de Lisboa (ISCSP-ULisboa). https://projectmacau.wordpress.com/2021/10/05/a-identidade-como-recurso-criativo-dosmacaenses

  13. Lamas, B. (2021). When Looms Begin to Weave by Themselves: The Decomposition of Capitalism, Automation and the Problem of “Modern Slavery”. Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lecture Series, Volume 6. Berlin: EB Verlag. DOI: 10.53179/9783868933994 https://www.buchgestaltung-online.de/OPENACCESS/OA_9783868933994.pdf

  14. Liégeois, P. (Coord.), Benjelloul, M., Boscolo, S., Calcagno, L., Conti, R., Dekkers, G., Kump, N., Li, J., Majcen, B., Miklošovič, T., Moreira, A., Schockaert, I., Štefánik, M., Tóth, K., Vergnat, V. & Zhan, P. (2021). Spotlight report on dynamic microsimulation, Deliverable 6.9, Leuven, InGRID-2 project 730998 – H2020. (WP6, Task 2: Validation of Dynamic Microsimulation Models.) https://www.inclusivegrowth.eu/files/Output/D6.9_EIND.pdf

  15. Macagno, L. (2021). Resenha de “Capitão”, de Yann Karlen & Stefano Boroni (Lausanne: Éditions Antipodes). H-Net (Humanities and Social Sciences Online) Reviews. https://www.hnet.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=56519

  16. Moreira, A. & Wall, K. (2021). MIGAPE – Work Package 3: Projections of the Gender Pension Gap in Portugal using DYNAPOR. MIGAPE – MInd the GAp in Pensions (http://www.migape.eu/index.html) is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union (2014-2020) via Grant Agreement no.820798. http://www.migape.eu/pubs/MIGAPE_WP3_GPG_projections_PT.pdf

  17. Negro, F. (2021).The #JerusalemaDanceChallenge showed how Pan African styles can be forged. In: The conversation, May 6, 2021. https://www.theconversation.com/thejerusalemadancechallenge-showed-how-pan-african-styles-can-be-forged-156775

  18. Pacheco, A.S.V. (2021). Avaliação de impacto social da atuação de organizações da sociedade civil: o caso do Saúde Criança Florianópolis. ENAPEGS 2020.

  19. Palma, N., Reis, J. & Rodrigues, L. (2021). Historical gender discrimination does not explain comparative Western European development: Evidence from Portugal, 1300-1900. CAGE Online Working Paper Series no. 551. CEPR Discussion Paper Series, DP 15922. https://www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/economics/research/centres/cage/manage/publications/wp551.2021.pdf

  20. Patxot, C., Albuquerque, P.C., et al. (2021). Lecciones para afrontar el envejecimiento. Interacción entre el estado del bienestar y la familia a lo largo de la historia – National Transfer Accounts (NTA): The USA, Portugal and Spain. Institute of Public Policy. http://www.ippjcs.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Project-3_Informe_3.pdf

  21. Postone, M. (2021). Antissemitismo e Nacional-Socialismo – Escritos sobre a questão judaica. Rio de Janeiro: Consequência Editora. Tradução de Sérgio Ricardo Oliveira com a colaboração de Marcos Barreira e Nuno Miguel Cardoso Machado (SOCIUS/CSG).

  22. Randrianarisoa, J., Silva, A.L., Starkey, P., Ralimamy, & Rasamison, N. (2021). COVID-19 impacts on the peri-urban mobility of women and vulnerable households in Madagascar. Final Research Report, March 2021, HVT029.L1M113. Antananarivo: ONG Lalana. https://transport-links.com/download/covid-19-impacts-on-the-peri-urban-mobility-ofwomen-and-vulnerable-households-in-madagascar/

  23. Silva, J.R. (2021). Book Review: Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World. European Journal of Management Studies, 26(2/3): 125-129. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJMS11-2021-059

  24. Valentim, I.V.L. (2021). Do we practice what we preach? What universities do and what they recommend during the covid-19 pandemic. Academia Letters, Article 1463 (pp.1-6). https://doi.org/10.20935/AL1463

  25. Varanda, M. (2021). eGROUNDWATER Deliverable D3.1 -Stakeholder Engagement and Development of Stakeholder Focus Groups – by EGROUNDWATER ISEG team.

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